Backpack Survival - Backpack Fever, by Duncan Long

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by melbo, Mar 31, 2006.

  1. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

  2. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    I bet you could use it for bait near a stream.... [raspberry]
  3. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

  4. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    [winkthumb] excellent read, thanks for posting it. [winkthumb]
  5. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Excellent read. I just found this thread on a search and thought I would comment on it to bring it back to life.

  6. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Yeah. I can tell most that think they are going to walk to 'that safer place' that it is not a likely plan. I had a tough time with a 50 lb bag of dog food tonight.
  7. Electric-Amish

    Electric-Amish Monkey+++

    I guess my plan sucks. I was thinking keep it light and keep moveing until I got to one of my brothers East or West 700 miles.

    But I got some cool camping gear.

  8. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    It beats no plan but IMHO back packing it to a BO spot, especialy if its not real close and already stocked, would be the plan of last resort after staying put, driveing, rideing a bike, hoping a train and all other options were out.
  9. 91G-Dub

    91G-Dub Monkey+++

    Not too much of a "Bug-Out" kind of guy myself. Unless there is a local diaster I plan on bugging in.
    That said, I do have a pack in each one of my vehicles designed for 3 days of living/camping/hiking home. Very unusual for me to be too far from home so in SHTF times I figure I'll be able to make it safely home.
    Been working on bugging in for a while now and although I still have a ways to go ($$ only goes so far each week) I'm a bit better prepared each week.
  10. TailorMadeHell

    TailorMadeHell Lurking Shadow Creature

    Good things to think on. Here's my situation.

    I am in Pyschoville, aka LiberalLand, aka Fruitsville and so on, yada yada.... Well, it's as urban as you can get. I am seperated from my family by many states and miles. I am only me. I have no family here or friends that are set up. So in a SHTF reality, I would have to either BO or sit tight and take advantage of the Scavenging that can be done once all the idiots have killed each other off. Most will die when they go through withdrawals from the heroin or crack. Others will kill each other for that last hit.

    Then again this city may be leveled by some unknown if it is a bomb that gets us. So if SF doesn't take a direct hit by a nuke I will have to figure out do I stay put or do I try to make it all the way back home. I would have to go about 2385 miles to get to my family. Lot can happen from here to there.

    Staying put and turning the trash heap into a livable community might be the easiest.
  11. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    My BOB is morphing into a BHB...Bug Home Bag...that is, something happens during work and and need to hoof it 42 miles home. Quick energy for food, water, radio, hand gun, comfy boots with a few changes of socks and some fleece wear. Change clothes and hit the road. The Montague Paratrooper bike is a serious consideration.
  12. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member


  13. badkarma

    badkarma ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


  14. ssonb

    ssonb Confederate American


    thanks for bumping this people,mucho good info. btw i call mine and the wifes packs GHBs(get home bags).
  15. CBMS

    CBMS Looking for a safe place


    I have a BoB, but its meant to take me from Where I am In Canada to my family in California. I am getting silver for it, which will be helpful. BTW dont get new Canadian Silver dollars. They are 100% Ni. Go figure eh?
    Good ol' Us Pre 65 dimes, and silver dollars. I figure I can bamboozle people into believing they are real silver till I get to our BOP Bug Out Point with my family and their group.
    The point is along the Oregon coast, about Equi-distant from both places. With all the forests along the way, I figure we will be able to rough it till we set up shop.
  16. Tango3

    Tango3 Aimless wanderer


    The glass isn't half full or half empty,
    the glass is too damn big. [​IMG]

    Just noticed you sig! So are you implying you support "peak beer"???? [ROFL][beer][beer][beer]
  17. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater


    I have 2 BOB' in the car which will serve me getting home (don't travel any further than a hundred miles) and the second is at home, much larger that will sustain me for 9 months or more IF I have no choice but to leave. Seeing that I know little people anywhere, living off the land until I can find suitable shelter is my only choice.
  18. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder


    It can be done, but it would not be anything like what most Americans are use too. You would need to be building a permant shelter because living in a back packable tent long term would be a drag pretty quick. I would look at shelters that the Indians used in that area. Your primitive survival skills would have to be finely honed prior to TSHTF. I would defently be setting up a cache system as well, and know the area your planning to go to like the back of your hand. To me this is not the best plan but it is a plan and any plan is better than no plan IMHO. I think most people start out with the backpack survival mentality but as the years pass it becomes less and less attractive. [boozingbuddies]

  19. BuckBall

    BuckBall Woman Hater


    My very plan of action is to head north and the farther north I get, the more abandon cottages and houses there will be. During a major SHTF such as war in the homeland, all rules and laws go out the window. Yes I could survive for a bit in a tent, but the tent would get down right gringy after some time. Most people think they can get on the nearest highway and book it to their home, but we all know what happens on interstates during a bug out crisis so I think I am pretty safe. The best way is like you stated, build a shelter, perhaps a makeshift log home or live how the Native Americans did.
  20. SuperTico

    SuperTico Yawn !


    I lived for almost 2 years in a hammock on the Osa peninsula......... Snook, porcupine, and armadillo are yummy !
    Say hi to Oprah.......
    Somebody email me a Big Mac ! Nah Nevermind...
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