Being old enough(by far) to have trained and deployed with the 1911a1 I remember when the experts begin to badmouth the .45 as being hard to train on and so loose it rattled when you carried it. Jeff Cooper was NOT one of them. Colt then went in and decided to "fix" the looseness. Hand gunners were supposed to be able to hit dimes at 50 yards or some silly crap.The ORIGINAL purpose of the 1911 was a combat weapon that would stop an attack at reasonable handgun ranges and do it in any weather and full of dirt and water if necessary.The last two incarnations of the 1911 have made it into a picky piece no better than any other combat weapon. Go back to that slightly loose barrel bushing and slide and it will function in a way that let so many millions of us stake our lives on it without hesitation. My OLD model 1911 never fails to feed and fire and eject.I don't care about hitting dimes with it at 50 yards. I'm quiet satisfied with center mass at 50 myself. I do hope that Colt gets this new incarnation right, Our troops ,after all, deserve the best we can give them.jmo.
I just traded my Beretta for a set of drums for the recording studio. I use the drums, the Beretta just sat in the safe for several years and never gets used because it is ugly, too big for such a small bullet, and I do not like the trigger.
I am willing to accept any and all handguns, long guns, shot guns and slingshots that individuals no longer want! PM me for shipping instructions