Arms, Security and Defense

Discussion in 'General Survival and Preparedness' started by lonewolf88, Feb 22, 2016.

  1. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    And dont forget force multipliers . Things like nail boards, Black powder directional mines, pits and pungi stakes etc.
    Griff likes this.
  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Having the courage to take action and throw things, may slow an attacker down but not stop them.
    Having the skill the throw or wheeled objects effectively however, can make a significant difference .
    Practice and training and more practice can provide an edge in an otherwise vulnerable situation.
    In the olden days 1800s women wore big hats and held them through their hair bun inside with jeweled 12"- 18" long pins that were also a significant deterrent to deal with vulgar abusive men.
    Another factor is the development of the warrior mentality; in that moment of crisis, so that one actually turns from victim to aggressor .
    I have done this with animals wild and domestic many times, and it pays off. (even in spite of the chills of fear inside, one must hide).
    chelloveck likes this.
  3. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Force multipliers are usually considered to be firearms with large magazines.

    What you mentioned are in other Army or Marine TMs etc that discuss mines, booby traps and improvised munitions.
  4. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    I consider a force multiplier to be something that hurts or kills an invader when Im not there to do it personally.
  5. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Those would be booby traps.
    this discussion might have tendency to draw unwanted attention "Pig/big brother"
  6. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    They multiply my ability to defend my property. force multiplier
    Definition of the military term force multiplier
    Force Multipliers - Survivalist Forum

    Any tool or addition that amplify your ability to do more with less is a force multiplier. Read the comments in the third link I posted. Nail boards were mentioned there. I have buckets of rusty nails 16 to 20 penny spikes. I will deploy these in areas where intruders will seek cover when we are shooting at them. Throw yourself down behind a large tree and get impaled by multiple nail boards. Runn off to the sides get impaled etc. Black powder cannons are legal . Ill just build them AS I need them. Load with 1/4 inch split shot. . They will make nice directional mines.
  7. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Those are alarms or deterrents. I would not mess with those devices until after SHTF as you may do harm to someone you should not harm.
    For example, a 1,000,000 candle power spotlight increases the range of NV devices. As they damage vision, not to be used until after SHTF.
  8. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Oh yes ,not until after an event. I can build this stuff in one day and deploy enough of these "deterrents" to stop from being over run by mobs of looters. I have all the locations picked out and planned. Having a plan is the first step. We will funnel intruders into killing fields of cross fire. Those who try and seek cover will hit the force multipliers . Once impaled they either surrender ,run or die. I have a perimeter of sand bagged pits. Out in front of those is an area that has several large trees that intruders under fire will try and run to for cover. These areas are to be set with nail boards and black powder devices . There are only two ways in to my property. we have narrowed the ways in to funnel intruders into two small killing zones. Anything that looks like cover is a trap. In short ? there is no safe cover from our fire. In the dark?? even worse. W e have worked hard to block certain areas so that people and animals only have the deer trail and the driveway in . The lake at our back and two sides protects our flanks. From any ground force and anyone trying to come at us by boat would be sitting ducks on the lake.
    BTPost likes this.
  9. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    I know how to build them; however, I won't build them until needed. Have you ever had anyone with infantry or recon experience to check your defenses?

    Do a search for Vietnam and Project Eldest Son; it will give you some food for thought. The purpose was to seed their munitions with ammunition that blew up when used. That doesn't sound relevant until you consider teams infiltrated their ammunition storage areas which were heavily guarded.
    They replaced bullets ones that exploded, mortar rounds that came out of the tube and exploded, grenades that exploded as soon as the spoon flew off, RPGs that exploded when fired. All that and more while sentries were patrolling.

    Just something to consider.
  10. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    My nephew was in the tenth Mountain division and now Military Intelligence. He loved the choke points and he was the one who suggested Black powder directional mines. He loves the nail boards hidden just under the ground. Most intruders wont have hard sole boots and will get impaled on the spikes. He also corrected a couple of fall back points because they offered better visual of approaching intruders however we had to dig pits where there was not natural cover. He is the one who told me that getting caught in my house was certain death. So we moved everything out away from the house . We chose the ground to fight on. That ground will be prepared for defense inside of 36 hours. I also have two Militia Members coming here who have food, ammo and bedding here. They also like the set up. The defenses were tested when I was in the Militia by our own teams. Any weaknesses were exposed then and corrected. There just isn't an easy approach to my home . Even tougher to get to the lake itself and that first Choke point is the best line we have. The only place we will use force multipliers is the last line close to the house.
  11. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    I have been trying to perfect a convertible trip line non-lethal to lethal but simple and reliable, I have used a varied amounts of ideas and it comes back to a simple wood rat trap, nails and nailgun 22round. These can be swapped for ( other rounds and shells) if shtf, . Cost about 10.00 including line, I know these have been made along time but they work well. There are other lethal ways but pretty sure you can post these,
  12. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    If it can take a live round it is most likely it illegal even to possess.
    Edit: someone was prosecuted for that not too long ago. Live rounds make it a potentially lethal booby trap.
  13. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I don't let words on paper dictate my weapons and tools anymore than I let paint dictate where I ride a bike.
  14. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    No? Then think about a public forum, where every mention of 13" shotgun barrels (because legal 18" is too long") and manufacturing of illegal devices are easily Googleable, and open to anyone and everyone, including law enforcement to peruse. That would not be good for the site, or the people who got tracked down from thier public posts on law breaking.
    Think about how many people have been busted so far from stupid Facebook posts with drugs, stolen guns, and other stupid posts.
    I would suggest those types of posts be removed. (End rant)
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  15. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I am talking about my personal philosophy, which is something that is perfectly acceptable to talk about in public. Indeed part of the philosophy I stated is NOT discussing specific implementations of that philosophy that might compromise OPSEC. I'm sure you understand the difference.

    FYI, a 13" barrel or some destructive device "can" be perfectly legal...and I'd give a fellow monkey the benefit of the doubt that it is, otherwise he would not have mentioned it at all.
    Yard Dart and Ganado like this.
  16. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Discussion is OK. Advocating or posting "how to" is not. Good to go.
  17. I think everyone needs a good short bow ..
  18. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I am no weapons specialist ,never been in the service .
    I don't know much about explosives, except things people have told me and I have observed .
    But I do know that these words and conversations are being monitored by homeland security.
    An acquaintance was researching how to blow up something for a show and his research got the attention of HS . after the event ,though it was intended to be harmless, things went wrong ,and people got hurt, largely because he and those with him had none of the disciplines required to perform this task., Homeland security was on him like a ton of bricks, faster than flies on Poo., not to mention a hand full of other alphabet agencies . They had been watching him since he began his search, due to those key words.
    So whether your intentions are innocent or not , they do attract attention.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    I want that list of keywords. I'll use them frequently and draw the attention so the rest of monkeydom can communicate in peace. After all, staff should stand in and take the heat, no?
    Yard Dart and VisuTrac like this.
  20. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Boom!!!! Explosive heat.... thermal even.... maybe dynamic explosives, or automatic weapons... or even just a gun.....
    Good times either way..... crap.... i hear choppers in the distance..... BOB here I come...[siren] [gone]
    Ura-Ki likes this.
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