I have all that. Grinders from 120v 4.5 up to 9 inch 240v. 7 and 17.5kw generator Miller model 250 (dialarc 250) 6.5hp alternator welder 5hp air compressor Miller 40 amp plasma cutter Turns out plasma cutter is preferred for rusty old pipe like this.
The time to start making caltrops, hedgehogs isn't after you have been trespassed on. Medieval Caltrop Defense Weapon Coming to the Aid of Ukrainian Resistance
.. .. interestin .. .. A Ukrainian company made medieval armor replicas; now it makes spiked barriers to stop Russian vehicles [ stripes dot com ] https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/03/11/ukraine-medieval-weapons-caltrops-russian-vehicles/ [ WAPO ] Ukrainian company pivots from medieval armor to spiky 'caltrops' intended to stop or slow Russian vehicles [ Yahoo ]
interesting enough - the German had lined the Normandy beaches with those big girder "hedgehogs" to stop the Allied landing craft - low tide they were sitting pretty all over .... the Allies ran into trouble off the beaches with the Normandy hedges - tanks couldn't even push thru into the fields from the roads - some US motorpool farmboy used his farm background to field fabricate ripping teeth onto the US Shermans - the material came from all the German hedgehogs that needed to be cleared from the beaches