So I am minding my own business. helping a man of religious persuasion do an 80 percenter. I guided him thru the process and assisted with finding the right tools and so on. Got a couple lowers built and I had traded some things to help out. So then he has health issues. Gives me 4 80 lowers including a 9, an ar and 2 308s. Of course this was all before the 80 present ban in my state. So anyway needed a 15 lower to replace a damaged one I had. and decided to build a 308. Other 308 lower went away. So I get on line and order the 308 kit and shit, its only 320 for a 9 pistol kit wtf?. So in the end.
Did you paint that yourself or did it come that way? Hey those are green tips. I got some of those...
That's the only real way to match your environment. If you are going for true stealth you may want a Ghillie suit to match.
Out here we would use old fast food bags/wrappers, discarded drink cups, plastic bags and milk jugs to blend in. Gotta love urban areas in blue states.
Out here the colors change from white to green, brown, orange, yellow, red. In the pic below I think instead of the black spots on the suit it would be better in the matching green or brown around him. I kinda like this paint job.
Step one buy all the parts, an M4 trigger, M4 semiautomatic selector, looks identical to the AR15 selector from the side (the AR15 one is fatter), m16 or M4 safety selector and M4 double hook selector. Use your original AR15 hammer and hammer spring. Step 2, the only part that requires modifications is the double hook selector. Before: Alteration 1: Now it can't ever be used to "make a machine gun". Grind down the tip around 20 to 30 thousands so it lets go of the hammer on the reset: You will need to install and remove it about a dozen times to get it just right. Picture not to scale. Now you are normal semiauto in the fire position and fully semi automatic in the 3rd position.