Ivan Lopez? Perhaps the earlier Islam-bashing was a rush to judgement, unless of course the shooter's full name was "Ivan Ibn Lopez Abu Hidalgo Abd-AlBurrito," or some such. But still, Islam-bashing is such fun, isn't it? He was a mental case, as is anyone else who shoots innocent people, regardless of their claimed justification. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gunman in Fort Hood shooting had behavioral issues, authorities say EXCERPTS: An Iraq war veteran who was grappling with mental health issues opened fire at Fort Hood, Tex., in an attack that left four people dead and 16 wounded Wednesday afternoon, according to preliminary law enforcement and military reports. ..... The officials identified the shooter as Army Spec. Ivan Lopez, 34, a military truck driver, who was dressed in his standard-issue green camouflage uniform. Lopez opened fire in two locations on the vast central Texas post, inside a building housing the 1st Medical Brigade and in a facility belonging to the 49th Transportation Battalion. ...... Milley said the shooter “had behavioral health and mental health issues.” He said the soldier, who self-reported a traumatic brain injury and was taking anti-depressants, had been under examination to determine whether he had post-traumatic stress disorder. .... Milley said the soldier opened fire with a .45-caliber Smith & Wesson semiautomatic pistol that was purchased recently but was not authorized to be brought on the post. He was eventually confronted by a female military police officer. He put his hands up but then pulled out a gun from under his jacket. “She engaged,” Milley said, and then the soldier put the gun to his head and shot himself. .....
I guess they now know he had PTSD related mental issues......... which they will not use that info and act upon to help others, before they hurt themselves or others such as this shooter did.....
Keep in mind, they are trying to recruit non-Arabic people to commit their crimes to allow attacks with less suspicion. Not ready to say this isn't terrorism. Lopez served 4 months. Was being evaluated for PTSD. Not shown yet that he was diagnosed with PTSD.
Mike, my point is that whether he was a Muslim or not, "Islam" did not commit this violent act, or any other. The person pulling the trigger committed this act. Religion doesn't kill people - any religion. Religion, as well as other supposed motivations, are simply convenient excuses used by the nut-cases who do actually commit these acts. Blaming the excuse, rather than the person, is just playing their game. I know mine is a minority opinion in this room, but I'm good with that. I also tilt at windmills.
Oh Now Im Pissed off!!! Really Pissed off. Look guys this dude was on SSRI DRUGS. In a session before congress Doctor Peter Breggin testified that soldiers were at serious risk of suicidal or violent acts when on these drugs. The Government knows this!!!!!!! Breggin is the nations leading expert on SSRI drugs and violence caused by them. THE CAUSE OF THIS ACT WAS SSRI DRUGS !!! Visit Breggin's website and get educated on this problem. PETERBREGGIN.COM
In most cases I would agree with you, tulianr, except for Islam. The mullahs have distorted a few passages to the point where the religion says it is ok to kill infidels. And, we, tulianr, are the infidels.
Nope, the drugs didn't pull the trigger. The drugs are a symptom of apathy exhibited by our nation toward mental health; and the prevailing American thought that a pill can fix everything. It can't. We have people wandering our streets, and even wearing the uniform of our military, who need long-term, perhaps lifetime mental health care. "Take two yellow pills each morning and come back to see me in six months." is not mental health care. It is a recipe for disaster, which continually cooks up these mass shootings, and plays well into the hands of the anti-gun crowd. The need for long term mental health facilities is the 500 pound gorilla in the room that no one wants to talk about. Mentally disturbed people don't just go away when we ignore them.
Military medical care IS Obummercare. Always has been. Took me three long years to get to see physical therapy for a back issue. The time between injury and actual care was filled with Motrin, muscle relaxants and pain pills. It wasn't till I actually rebelled, took their pills and flushed them in the dispensary and went back, said they didn't help, could I now see physical therapy. Even then they just threw me out of the dispensary. I walked to the base hospital and begged the therapist to see me. Seems I had a pinched nerve and a popped back fixed it in 20 minutes.
If we can say SOME mullahs have distorted a few passages of the Qur'an, and persuaded some other Muslims that we (westerners/Christians) are infidels, and thus deserve killing; we can be in complete agreement. I cannot condemn all of Islam and every Muslim for the acts of a handful of nut-cases. A critical reading of the Old Testament can produce just as many questionable passages as can the Qur'an; and a critical reading of history can produce just as many Christian-related atrocities as Muslim-related atrocities. When an idiot on the interstate cuts me off, I don't condemn Christianity, no matter how many fish stickers are on the back of their mini-van; and when some nut-case murders abortion doctors in the name of Christianity, I don't condemn the religion, I condemn the nut-case. Islam isn't any more evil than is Christianity, nor are its adherents. If we want to find evil, we should look into the hearts of men (or at my ex-wife), not into religious texts. Religion is a smoke-screen.
I feel your pain, literally. I was treated by Camp Lejeune doctors for arthritis for over a year, even though the x-rays and scans showed no evidence of arthritis. It wasn't until a TDY to England, that an English doctor diagnosed a pinched nerve, and helped fix the problem. In fact, the x-ray technician saw the problem immediately. The doctor's question to me, after hearing of my medical treatment over the past year, and seeing the single x-ray he had ordered, was, "These were REAL doctors who told you that you had Arthritis? I mean, they had diplomas from a REAL medical school up on the wall?" There are quite a few very good medical practitioners in our military health system, but there are also way too many quacks. Some of the Corpsmen that I've run into had a better grasp of medicine than did many of the military doctors I've encountered.
I can agree with that, but would have to expand it to many mullahs. I, too, mostly live in peace with most religions and even those without religion. I'm not thrilled about the activism of the atheists in removing every symbol ever erected on public land just to have a distorted secular view of America. The quote was "the freedom OF religion not to be defined by the state (meaning government)" and was because the king of England had established a religion and demanded his people convert to it. America has mostly been tolerant of religion (with the exception of Catholics in the early 1800's), and neighbors in neighborhoods live in harmony whether Catholic, Atheist, Protestant, Baptist, Evangelical, Buddist, Hindu. The fly in the ointment seems to be Muslim. That crap of "believe as I do or you are an infidel" is getting old. I'm Catholic. I will be judged on my death, not by anyone on this planet during my life. I live my life by my creed and coexist with those who believe differently. But if you speak ill of my religion, I will be upset, but will not seek to kill you. The same can't be said for Islam
Mostly, I agree. NB: A handful of nut-cases is a whole lot of muslims, remembering that they number toward a billion of this planet's inhabitants. It takes no great strain to find a few to somehow weed out and eliminate, it's a question of figuring out which ones they are. This must not be interpreted to advocate for indiscriminate weeding. There are a couple muslims I knew in Asia that I would guard as my own family.
I have found that to be the case as well, that the medics knew more than many of the so called doctors. Our medical care pushed me into learning to be an EMT
Yep, confirmed. Yet, the corpsmen were very knowing in their specialty, but perhaps not in a general sense. The E5 corpsman (subs don't normally carry doctors) on my boat was a field cutter with the Marines in Nam , and I'd sooner have had him carving on me than one surgeon that supposedly repaired my rotator cuff. That guy would have made a poor butcher. Side light for those who know what a WQ&SB is. I was "surgeon's assistant" in the event of casualties, this in addition to my two primary NECs. Didn't get to dress for the occasion, but it was a near thing when a rider came down with a ruptured appendix as we were about 8 hours on our way out. We turned and got him back in time to save his (miserable, I knew him from a former duty station) butt. We did convert the wardroom to an operating theatre just in case. (One jackass Ensign got all upset 'cause we wouldn't allow him into the wardroom for a cuppa and he had to have the crew's mess coffee. XO reamed him for that rave.)
We had an independent duty medical technician from the Air Force on one of our remote scope dope sites in Korea. He was pretty good. As an EMT I was backup to him in the event of a major incident. Ensigns and our butter bar 2nd Lieutenants were pretty much an arrogant bunch. We had some that were awesome, but on the whole, they thought those butter bars were Major's Oak Leafs. The good ones we took care of, the jerks, we let them take a few falls before we offered to teach them the straight and narrow. Eventually they learned to understand that those of us with rockers on our stripes had more latrine time than they had service time and we knew out damn jobs. I don't miss the Army a whit, but I miss the men and women I served with. What a bunch of extraordinary people, for the most part very humble and very professional. I miss them all. And the new bunch, what an awesome crew.
Dr. Breggin proved in a court of law that in one case an SSRI drug DID cause a young man to kill his best friend. My problem with these drugs all the way down to Ritalin is that they are handed out like candy to anyone who says they cant sleep, are having dreams, feel inadequate etc. It has been proven that they can and do cause young MEN under a cretain age to develope anger issues and violent tendencies. Please research what Peter Breggin has written on this topic. He testified in front of congress that these drugs were far more dangerous then anyone knows and yet they hand them out to our service men and people from all walks of life. Almost every mass shooter in the last 10 years was on one type of ssri or another. This fact is too prominent to overlook. Instead they go after guns when the real culprit in these killings is the misuse of ssri drugs.