It's like a SBH, but it feels lighter in the hand for some reason. I'm taking Brandi out for Mother's Day lunch today so we can miss the crowds tomorrow. But the first stop is the fun store to pick up the 692, and a 5.5" SAA Cimmarron "El Malo" in .357Magnum to add not just a spare .357 but to have some fun too after being frugal for so long. I paid off all my short term debt and sold some guns to keep me afloat in the process, so now I'm replacing some of them. Not necessarily with the same guns, but the same calibers. I would rather have a SAA in .45 Long Colt than the .357, but I'm staying with .357/.38spc as secondary caliber and 9mm which is our primary caliber for uniformity.
Yah sure your going out early for Mothers Day. Ha Ha Ha. They are both good rounds. The 45 can heave a bigger hunk of lead tho, which I am partial to.