An Expatriot's Perspective

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Seacowboys, May 5, 2011.

  1. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    It wasn't an attempt to throw out useless statistics to make an irrelevant point. It is an example of how the media manipulates us and has manipulated us for decades.
  2. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Not to [deadhorse] but I came across this old thread and was reading the responses. Mine in particular. Some things have changed in the last few years. For one the things cited by me and by the original article are much more glaring now. The US is declining at a rapid pace.

    It appears that this original author of the article has a lot of company. Last year set yet another record high, three years running, of people renouncing their US citizenship. Over 1600 people last year and it is expected to be another record high again this year. Rats deserting a sinking ship? Maybe, but, those are the rats that will survive.
  3. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    I would have to agree with the premise that the American society it declining rapidly between our debt, raising food/gas/electricity prices, increased surveillance of our every move and so on...... I am not sorry to say, I am not moving out of my homeland and will stay and fight for what our founding fathers tried to implement.. which has been corrupted since around WW2 with policies that changed this nation.. and contine to be changed to this day one an ever speeding train. I do not want a societal collapse, as that would be counter productive to this great nation, but if it does collapse, I will be the first in line to stand at the door ready to breach and make what has gone wrong, be righted, as any true American would.
    Motomom34 likes this.
  4. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    What do we expect when we elect people to run our country who couldn't run a laundromat. I am sick of the entitlement mentality. You know what the sad part is, it seems to be most prevalent in our youth. They are being taught that everyone should have exactly the same thing and there should be no haves and have nots, that everything should be fair. Unfortunately for them, life is not fair. Some people have better opportunities for success than others mostly dependent on family socioeconomic status, intelligence of the individual and work ethic. While you cannot change your family you CAN have some impact on the others. If people payed attention in school and actually got a high school diploma their lives would be much easier than those that don't. Then they might have options about getting some additional training in either the trades or some useful college degree. (Not underwater basket weaving). Instead, they quit school or get en education but in something useless and end up on the government dole. The American dream is not dead. It is just harder to get. Unfortunately the way things are running now, we might all be on our way down the crapper. That is why I have packed myself a life preserver. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
    Yard Dart, melbo and Motomom34 like this.
  5. Witch Doctor 01

    Witch Doctor 01 Mojo Maker

    Sea, you have some interesting comments but I would like to make a few re military... the military has been a vehicle to the middle class /upper class for most of the last century... while we have a large proportion of minorities since the draft it all volunteer... pay while it's lower many jobs is higher than the vast majority of jobs starting with a HS diploma, no experience, and with benefits/training can be a great boost in income when you leave... if you stay in you can retires earlier than your contemporaries with benefits (until Obama takes them away). There are flaws in any system including ours but I'm not sure that the rosy picture he paints is much better than what we have... just an opinion... YMMV
    mysterymet likes this.
  6. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    What stuck out when reading the letter is that the author loved the free health care, free higher education and lots of vacation time. I will agree with the author that the food in our supermarkets is not the healthiest for a person but we can choose what we want to eat. The author can make fresh food, he's just being lazy and a whiner. He also slammed the drugs. People make a decision to take those drugs. Just because a Dr writes a prescription doesn't mean you have to take it like a good little sheep. As for the Americans work ethics in that we work all our lives, well yeah we do. I am one of those that the author ridicules, I have taken about 3 weeks of vacation and one sick day in the last 6 years. I work, I like to work, it is what I do and it is how I was raised. This is probably why they need to disarm Americans, cause if things collapse and people aren't working they will have lots of time to work on righting the country. Imagine the American work ethic funneled into working on saving the country, that is a powerful machine.

    I have thought about leaving America. But while talking and exploring the idea, something inside gets heavy. I love my country and will stand up for the country I love. I do wonder if the author would stand up for his new country? Is the author just looking for a country that will provide what he needs to make his life comfortable without feeling patriotism to his new country?
  7. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I have lived or worked in 27 different countries over the past four decades. Many of them had free health care and taxes were not higher than here, in fact, taxes on income were non-existent in most of them, rather they rely on a VAT, a tax on items purchased and paid at the time of purchase and it is still usually less than our typical sales taxes. I never had any problems with the police or governments that couldn't be handled and was able to get permits to own firearms in many of them, for example in Trinidad. I applied to purchase a firearm at the Police Department in Port of Spain, was issued a permit, carried it to the Hardware Store, the only gun dealer there, picked a micro-uzi out of their catalogue and paid a fraction of what one costs here for it. It was delivered to the Police Station within a week and they notified me to pick up my weapon. When I left Trinidad, I turned it into the Police Department and it remains stored in their weapons locker, should I decide to return and still feel the need to defend myself and property.
    As for military, I am all for it. Being a soldier is a time honored profession, Soldiers are needed to fight wars and project global policy. I just don't buy into the bullshit flag waving about it, even if you did. Yes, it is a hard and dangerous way to make a living. Yes, it serves our country's interest, or at least the interests of those that rule and profit most from it. But no, it hasn't done one god damned thing to protect our freedom, liberty, or had even a remote relationship to it in any way in any war we have engaged since the War of Northern Aggression and unfortunately, the side that was fighting for freedom and liberty got their asses handed to them by the Republicans. And before someone drags their star spangled banner out to beat me with, no I would not prefer to live under Tojo or Adolph. But we might well have either ignored WW II or fought with the Axis if Hitler hadn't Nationalized and stole ITT. And we didn't discover the concentration camps and holocaust until the end of the war, we just get to wave that banner if we ignore the timeline.
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2014
  8. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    This is something I have really struggled with these last few years. Being a man of faith I believe that God has led me to a safe haven. A place where my family can be safe and free. I have more freedom, more personal rights in my adopted home than I ever had in the land of my birth. Freedom from govt intrusion, freedom from govt sanctioned theft. Freedom from the dregs and pariahs of society that are so rampant back home.
    But if the US went to hell in a handbasket, if I knew my family and friends there were struggling to survive in a world gone mad, would I return? Maybe. If I thought I could find and help them.
    If AmRev 2 ever came about and the patriots of our nation rose up to restore our republic would I come back and fight with them? Probably.
    But I don't see that ever happening. I fought the fight, intellectually, politically, for over 20 years and all I saw were the uber patriots cow and tuck tail whenever a real threat emerged. I saw no change, only an ever advancing erosion of freedom and liberty. The sheep far outnumber the wolves and even a wolf has no chance against a tidal wave of sheep.
    But if it is more what I expect, an ever increasing degradation of our nation. An ever increasing encroachment of our rights. A continued move to a tyrannical, overbearing police state, with the deluded masses going along to get along. Would I come back then? I doubt it.
    So does that make me unAmerican? A coward, a traitor, for refusing to stay and go down with the ship? If that's the case then so be it. Who is John Galt?
    The myth that America is the freest country and the land of opportunity, sadly is no longer true. And not all foreign countries are socialist havens with free handouts to the populace. Many countries around the world are offering economic citizenship programs to attract talented people that will benefit their country. And the threat to the American corporation is evident in the US's efforts to counter and stifle those programs.
    The truth is that many countries offer a much freer and secure life than the US. Not everyone can take advantage of that opportunity, but for those who can the exodus has begun.
    Pineknot, Brokor, Seacowboys and 2 others like this.
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    These are troubling times indeed... I often wonder how we will pull through these current events... though this nation has many of the same issues/events throughout our history in various degrees. I for one am not prone to sink into hiding and let the hoard of tyranny pass by.... not to say that I will not hunker down under other circumstances. If we as a people do not rally and provide for a common defense to tyranny or other hostile acts, we have failed our founding fathers in the constitution of this nation.
    Brokor and Minuteman like this.
  10. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Most folks in America just don't understand the true impact of the police state we have. Their minds are conditioned to accept their slavery. The voices of dissent are seen as "crazy" conspiracy theorists, and it is only the "rational" voice of the hypnotic and suggestive news reporter they will listen to. Their realities are fragile and entirely illusory. The world we live in today is a matrix of control designed to enslave the mind.

    I lived in Europe. It's amazing how much different it really is. No police hunting you down, they don't pull you over and give you a hard time or ticket you or taser you or beat you or shoot you. You aren't a criminal until proven to be only a lesser human slave who can scrape and beg to live. Only in America, the brutal land of the enslaved, can the government convince the people they are free, just as long as they do everything they are told.


    This is not the country I fought for. I fight for the country it can be again one day. Our proud republic, by the people, for the people, and of the people.
    Pineknot, Byte, Mountainman and 3 others like this.
  11. Pineknot

    Pineknot Concrete Monkey

    I have enjoyed reading and catching up on some of these forums since joining. As a young person with a family, once all this info was delivered by the so-called dr doom ( the guys earlier in life thought to be conspiracy therist) giving a lot of information that doesn't make much sense at the time. It has begun to be a growing concern all the way down to teenagers now graduating high school. So I would have to say the there is a growth in the understanding of what's going on in this country. We may have lost a generation or two, but there is a wealth of knowledge and history that has been shared in the last few years on great forums such as this. It took me awhile to swim thru a lot of bs out there. We must remain steadfast, share and teach the coming generations and remind them of what this country and old glory stand for. I am hearing of less kids joining the brainwashing and are more inclined to fight for the original cause and not waste their lives on lies for the profiteers. This will be a race of endurance along with a lot of sacrifice
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