Luckily, I'm at the point where I don't HAVE TO buy ammo, as I learned from the great ammo shortage I mentioned in my earlier reply, and stocked up while prices were low. I would counter your point with this one, though; who would buy ammo at 2x the normal price, if they didn't have to? Gas prices are high, because the oil companies are enjoying the profits. Is it the same with ammo manufacturers? Or is it an actual effect of supply chain issues and inflation?? Sorry, but paying 2x the price for anything, just because you believe the price will never come down, is just not good financial sense!
Oil prices are high because oil companies decided to have record profits? Why don’t all companies just do that?
Oil prices are high because of Biden's foolish and misguided policies, both foreign and domestic. The USA was the largest oil and gas producer in the world just 2 years ago, and out-put has decreased 12-15% since Biden took office! From day one, Biden has halted infrastructure projects and stopped the sale of oil leases on public lands! Then he got us into a trade war with Russia! He has told the petroleum industry that it is their duty to produce as much fuel as possible, but that in 5 years or less they need to be gone! We are alive today because the oil companies are able to make a profit from the sale of the fuels they produce, without which we would be afoot and hungry! On the bright side, we won't have to worry about freezing to death this winter, because we will have starved long before that! A few years back, Exxon Mobil had to borrow hundreds of billions of dollars, just to keep the doors open and the lights on...I think it's time they made a profit!
I guess what I was hearing was what the mainstreamers keep saying, which is that this is “Putin’s Price hike” or greedy oil companies. Well said, Billy.
Oil, and gasoline, prices were on the way up before Russia invaded Ukraine. The Russian/Ukrainian War didn't cause oil, and gasoline, prices to skyrocket, that was the result of western sanctions on Russia. The "greedy" oil companies are in business to make money, not fuel. They produce, refine and distribute fuels, and they expect to make a profit, or they will damn-well leave the oil in the ground. When the price of oil increases, so does the price of gas! Years ago, some of the Dems in Congress held hearings to grill oil company executives about gasoline prices and their "excessive" profits. Many in Congress wanted to impose a special "excessive profits tax" until it was pointed out that ALL expenses, including taxes, are passed on to the consumer... resulting in higher gas prices! The last thing we want is the Federal government trying to run the oil companies...gas would go to $20 a gallon!
I got more N555 powder, saw it for the first time at non gouge prices for the first time in over 2 years. By more I mean a keg. That allows me to load my "holes touch @ 175 yards 6.5 Creedmoor hunting ammo".
Maybe online, but not at my local get some ammo store. Good thing I'm well stocked and that reminds me I need to replenish what I shot up at the range yesterday.
About $400 after hazmat for a keg, 8lb. It's expensive because it's worth it. I'm trying to move away from cheap, dirty, temperature sensitive ball powders.
Just saw VV powders for the first time in a long time, and they were 51-54 FRNs/lb. Wasn’t sure if that was fair, it was 10 or so more than the usual powders.
Before the plandemic those powders were about double the price of domestic powders. My guess is VV powder is being bought in bulk like never before, higher volume, lower price. And domestic powder is just being gouged. Now domestic powder is up about double what it was 4 years ago and VV powders are up 20% to 25%.
Do you want it? Do you need it? If the answer is yes, then buy it and don't complain about the price!
Green jobs. "We have made more ammo than the previous day every day" for the last 2 years. "We brought back all the furloughed workers", "we need their experience and expertise". The last place I worked knowledge and expertise made you a liability. After the year of 10% transitory inflation that's still with us 2 years later that place decided to give workers who had been there 7 years or more 2% raise, which was more like a 6 to 9% paycut. Their reasoning was "people who have been there longer than 6 years make too much money". Less than a month after I left I heard both of the maintenance production supers were working nights taking breakdown calls. I don't want to say I singlehandedly kept a 2.5 billion dollar operation going at night by my self but the pro-supers taking breakdown calls at night, immediately after I left makes me consider the possibility. Now I make almost as much as the pro supers and work about 70% less, day shift only.
Saw a case of Wolf 7.62x39 come in at work the other had been a while since we had any of that!