ammo gone everywhere

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Chizel21, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I went to the only store around that seems to have an unlimited supply of ammo. the prices have jumped $5-10 per box. I mentioned the rise in cost and was able to get last months pricing. I am not sure where these people are getting their guns & ammo. Store is not even a year old.
  2. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    Well, if it's a new chain store, it probably had stock reserves set up since logistics must be accomplished before the outlets open.
  3. Beano

    Beano Monkey is closed for a week until 25 March; I would camp out on the website the night of the 25th, if you have time, for they are likely going to release a massive inventory accumulated over that week. Their site says "spring break", which is probably the case; being in Stillwater and probably employing students....although with their depleted stocks, I can't imagine they are covering their overhead keeping the lights on and the workers paid with nothing in the warehouse.
  4. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Stopped at my pawn/gun store today while in town and they had 1K rds of bulk PMC .223 55gr brass case ammo for a mere $1K...or 500 rds of Wolf for only $450.

    I passed on both.
    ColtCarbine and Brokor like this.
  5. Beano

    Beano Monkey

    I would, as well. That is utter insanity. My old man keeps telling me this will pass us over, but he said that back in January. As with any in-demand good or service, it will remain as such as long as someone, somewhere is paying.

    A pawn shop here had two old bricks of Precision .22LR (had to be from the '80s). I asked how much---$60 per. He said "I just can't replace it" which I asked, "well then why is it even for sale?" He had no answer. I told him I would give him $70 for both, to which he refused. That was a month ago. As of yesterday, they're still sitting there.
  6. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Time for a bit of Humor.

    This morning I lucked out and was able to buy several cases of
    ammo. On the way home I stopped at the gas station where a
    drop-dead gorgeous blonde was filling up her car at the next

    She looked at the ammo in the back of my pickup and said in a
    very sexy voice, "I'm a big believer in barter, big boy". "Would
    you be interested in trading sex for ammo?"
    I thought a few seconds and asked, "What kinda ammo ya got?"
    natshare, Harbin and Beano like this.
  7. Cwm1150

    Cwm1150 Monkey+

    I went by my local Academy the other day and found 4.6x30. They had hundreds of rounds on the shelf. I had to look it up online. That round is for the H & K MP7. No one even owns one, they had to order something to put on the shelf I guess:rolleyes:
  8. Beano

    Beano Monkey

    It's a neat little gun, but why did they not simply chamber it for 9mm? I get the PDW concept, however....buuuuut maybe a cartridge that is a bit more common?
  9. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    The insanity continues. I bought my last 22LR ammo through Sportsmans guide for 3.6 cents per round.
    I am the absolute cheerleader for having 50,000 to 100,000 rounds of 22LR ammo in your SHTF stores, as well as 3 to 6 quality, reliable 22LR caliber weapons. Ammo wise we were talking about an investment of $2000 to $4000
    22LR ammo is for sale no where at a reasonable price. Most places just don't have any, and can't keep it on the shelves at any price even after placing 1 and 2 box daily restrictions on it.
    Doubt me? Today, AMMOSEEK listings go from 21 to 90 cents per round ............. FREAKIN INSANE.
    For all my insight, my personal hoard is shy of my 50,000 minimum. ....... I am kicking myself!
  10. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    LGS had American Federal .223 for 25 a box today. I passed.

    I have snap caps so I'll just dry fire and save the bang-bang stuff till it's needed.
  11. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Yet another insane price from Sportsmans Guide @ $39.99 non member. EACH. Geezee what a rip.

    30 - Rd. Egyptian Ak - 47 Mag - 1163123, 30 + Rounds at Sportsman's Guide
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    It is my understanding that a LOT of place's down here are getting in AR's, ammo and a few other item's, However 22lr continue's to be sacred !!!
  13. Mechwolf

    Mechwolf Monkey+

    22lr has the least amount of money markup per unit .In essence they make the least amount of money to produce it. With that being said if you don't have any 22lr it will be quite awhile before yo see any of it on the shelves except for special ammo . In fact I bought a Beretta 92FS today and don't have a lick of 9mm ammo but I really really wanted the gun :). I just hope I can purchase some ammo for it in the next 6 months or so.
  14. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Go to Midway USA and select the ammo you want and then put yourself on the "contact me" when it comes in.
  15. Mechwolf

    Mechwolf Monkey+

    Actually I scored 200 rounds of 9mm today and 40 rounds of 5.56 at Academy. Yea me!!
    VisuTrac likes this.
  16. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    A lot of it is going to be timing, and location. At least until production catches up with demand.

    I've had no problem finding .223/5.56mm ammo, but prices aren't always very nice (about $0.50/round, on average, locally). Still, better than any place I've seen online.

    Picked up a box of 9mm TulAmmo steel cased 9mm (115 grain) at Walmart, last Sunday, for $10.77 (50 rounds). Luckily, both of my 9mm pistols will digest and spit out pretty much anything I put in them, so I don't worry about shooting steel cased ammo (and actually enjoy it, since I don't have to go chase down all the empty brass afterwards, to reload! LOL).

    Found a friend a box of CCI 22LR ammo (100 rounds, HP) a couple weeks ago, at Academy, for $7.50 + tax. Knew he was looking for it, but was out of town, and they limit you to one box of any caliber you buy, so picked it up for him (would've gotten him 3, if possible). Meanwhile, a buddy of mine, who just transferred up to the Spokane, Washington area, texted a photo from the Cabela's store up there, where they had .223 ammo for sale, for $6/box of 20, and had CASES of it on the shelf! Wish it was easier to ship that stuff, as I'd have him send me a couple cases! LOL

    Suggest, if you're on Facebook, that you check out and see if there's any local firearms &/or ammo trading groups. I just found one for me area, and will be perusing the offerings tonight! [woot]
  17. Hispeedal2

    Hispeedal2 Nay Sayer

    Reload... I have no shortage and a good stockpile. I have enough components for moderate-heavy training over the next 8-12 months.

    A while back, I started buying .22lr at 500 rds/week. I stopped after storage became a problem.... glad I did. I think I could pot meat from now until eternity.

    I think ammo will normalize over the next 3 months. I even manged to find the elusive small rifle primer yesterday... at about $5 higher than the price was 6 months ago... not too bad.
    Silversnake and Brokor like this.
  18. Moatengator

    Moatengator Monkey

    That Cabela's is actually in Post Falls, ID. About 20-25 min drive from Spokane. The .223 is going fast!! I was able to get my paws on some to throw in the stash pile & a nice FAT pile of 00B for the shottys, as they were on sale;). It sure is funny, when stuff is on sale I am saving $$$$ but still end up broke at the end of the day:rolleyes:
  19. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Swung into Wally's this morn. They had 2 500 round tins of Tulammo 55gr .223 at $154 ea.

    Talked the guy in front of me out of getting both so was able to get 1.

    A hair more than price plus shipping 6 mos ago, but far better than I have seen lately at about $.31 a rd. I get to go shoot a few this weekend :)
  20. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I found .223 varmint loads 50grain poly tipped 20 rounds for 15 bucks, and .223 steel jacketed 30 rounds for 15 bucks. (That one has a two box limit) this is in Ohio. Need it? Hit he up for location.
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