ALWAYS carry a knife

Discussion in 'Blades' started by Hanzo, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Back in the day, I had access to the government surplus area. They also received TSA confiscated knives and tools. I would always root through the cheap “rubbish” boxes. Anything in there was four for $1. I would walk away with loads on quality knives and multitools. I would keep this stash to give to folks that may be in need of a knife. If they lose it, break it, toss it, I don’t really care. I did my part and it only cost me a little time and a quarter.
  2. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Decided to give my Enzo Birk some love. Have not carried it in about a year. I was opening an envelope with it and noticed it wasn’t as sharp as I like. I honestly don’t remember when I sharpened it last.

    Since it wasn’t dull, a minute touch up was all it took to shave arm hairs.

    CraftyMofo and Zimmy like this.
  3. Tjb61

    Tjb61 Monkey

    Always carry a knife no matter where I'm going or what I'm doing I always have a knife with me. But also the knife is not my primary weapon that I carry with me all all times.
    Hanzo likes this.
  4. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Unless you are in the uk.
    Hanzo likes this.
  5. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    When I'm up north, I carry my worn old work tool belt with a duct knife and sheet rock axe or wrecking hammer Plus a scratch awl and all kinds of other shit to throw or poke at people with.

    Even in NYC or Boston, no cop gave a shit about dirty tools on a tool belt in the car. Tradesmen are invisible.

    Not great for dinner parties, but at least it's in the vehicle with me.
    jimLE, CraftyMofo and Hanzo like this.
  6. Huntaholic

    Huntaholic Monkey

    Any time somebody asks me to cut something the first thing I always ask is "wont your momma let you carry a knife?" EDC is usually a Fighting Rooster 4 blade congress style. IF Im out in public, its that, plus a benchmade auto.
    Hanzo likes this.
  7. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    This one is on my belt every day. Horizontal carry. 3 inch blade. L6 steel with carbon fiber handle.
  8. Huntaholic

    Huntaholic Monkey

    Also, when I go on a hunting trip I look like Edward Scizzorhands lol. Gerber bolt actions, Kabar, victorinox butcher knives, etc... but the one or 2 I use the most are some my son made for me. The main one is a straight point, small scale chefs knife is the best way I can describe it. He made the blade out of a flat bastard file and the handles are from some lumber thats been in my family for 4 generations. I can completely skin, quarter and debone 2 mule deer before that knife needs touching up.
    The other is an ESEE 3 copy he made from a leaf spring I think. That boy is gifted to say the least and he never does anything halfassed.
    arleigh, Zimmy, Hanzo and 3 others like this.
  9. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    This is a folder I am finishing. I still have to engrave it. I normally prefer not to use wood but this wood is Horse Chestnut planted by George Washington. I have the papers on it. It's a slipjoint Saddlehorn pattern.
    Hanzo, CraftyMofo and Zimmy like this.
  10. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I always prefer a natural handle material.

    Wood, bone, antler, ivory, even real mother of pearl seem to connect with my hand better. It's a feeling deeper than tactile.

    I dunno. Maybe I'm crazy.
    Hanzo and Jerry Fisk like this.
  11. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    Here is a field knife I carried for a while before I sold it. Mammoth ivory. Bit of my scratching on the guard.
    Hanzo and Zimmy like this.
  12. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    My 45LC pig hunting gun. I went ahead and plated the entire receiver with 24kt gold.
    Hanzo and Zimmy like this.
  13. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    Sorry about the photo. I didn't shoot it so I have no photo other than just taking a photo of the magazine. The blade has a bit over one million layers using one of the 7 "Nantan" meteorites. There is just 6 now. Bahahaha. Long story on details but the history Channel had me weld and forge it on air as the rumor was Jame Black made Bowies knife from a meterorite. They wanted me to prove or disprove did he. This is the meterorite they got me to use. The properties of it is unusual enough the Harvard did a paper on them. The handle is traced from a Bowie that Black made for Bowie. I forged it on the orginial property the orginial was forged at (I own that property). Anyway, we tested it on air and it did everything a modern steel Bowie knife could do in cutting and strength. Bit of my scratching.
  14. Plan B

    Plan B Monkey

    Short enough for legal carry, I use the spine with a rock for flint and steel,
    I added a spacer in the handle and drilled it for a bow drill socket.


    My urban Survival Knife....
  15. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    And, it will do just fine for what you had in mind for it. You did good.
    Hanzo and Plan B like this.
  16. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    This thread popped up on my alerts. I remember about 3 decades ago, I was training in Muay Thai and one of the drills was catching the leg on a knee or something and throwing the guy. I was the guy, gave the knee, let it get hooked and got thrown. The instructor told me he thought I was going to do a backflip on the through attempt. He said it looked like was starting to. But I just fell down and rolled. No need to show up a training partner. Plus I don't know how. :whistle:
    Jerry Fisk and Zimmy like this.
  17. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey


    This is my edc knife finished up in Off Grid style. The spine of the blade is set to where it strikes a ferro rod easy. I've been carrying it everyday.
    Hanzo and Zimmy like this.
  18. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    This my Trap Spring knife. All of my grand daughters have one. Very simple. Water quenched. Light to carry. I've made fires, skinned and prepped hogs and deer with one.
    The " Mad Trapper" up in Canada when finally caught and killed had a Trap Spring knife for his only knife.
    Last edited: Feb 29, 2024
    Hanzo and Plan B like this.
  19. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    Bad photo of a set I made 4 years ago.
    While I am recuperating from surgery, yall may have to put up with photos. Hope you don't mind.
    This was my Custer set. Historical..the wood for the pistol grips and the forward part of the knife handle is the only known wood from Custers birth home. The rear portion on wood on the knife is from the tree under which Grant gave Custer is orders at the battle of the Wilderness.
    Hanzo, Plan B and Zimmy like this.
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