ALWAYS carry a knife

Discussion in 'Blades' started by Hanzo, Jul 5, 2018.

  1. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Ganado, GrayGhost, SB21 and 1 other person like this.
  2. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I watch NCIS on net flix and Gibbs the head of the team uses a large pocket knife from time to time either taking out a bad guy or prying something open or cutting his steak .
    One of his " rules" don't go any where with out a knife.
    His influence on his team that way is observed as well.
    I like seeing that.
    DuxDawg, SB21, Hanzo and 1 other person like this.
  3. AndyinEverson

    AndyinEverson Black Powder Monkey

    I had a knife once...
    But somehow...that changed into a whole case full of various knives of various vintages and uses....:D
    jim2, Ganado, DuxDawg and 4 others like this.
  4. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    Should I retitle to "Always Carry at Least One Knife?"
  5. AndyinEverson

    AndyinEverson Black Powder Monkey

    Naw...the title is fine...just laughing at myself , when I look at my case of knives and have to take a moment to remember , just where in the heck did that knife come from....:D
  6. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    You must separate them or they will multiply like rabbits .
  7. AndyinEverson

    AndyinEverson Black Powder Monkey

    Ahh... I see...
    Maybe its time for "The Talk"....I certainly wouldn't want my single blade knives suffer from "Blade envy" over the multi-blade knives...:eek::D
    oldawg, Gator 45/70 and Hanzo like this.
  8. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

  9. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    Question is , how long does that edge last under real work ?
    DuxDawg and Hanzo like this.
  10. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    It lasts pretty long. Bear did a test on a Mora scandi edge. 2000 cuts through rope.

    My scandi edge stays sharp pretty long too. Even after it is no longer hair popping, still shaving. After it stops being shaving sharp, still a useful edge. By then, I touch up.

    My convex edge stays usefully sharp longer it seems

    Most of my knives end up with a hybrid edge. Kind of a scandi convex.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2018
  11. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    And if you touch up before it gets too dull, fast to bring back. If it is dull, I will put an edge back on with a file. Then it doesn't take too long to get back to shaving.

    I sometimes sharpen knives for some clients and some students, who are widows. Usually, they tell me, their spouses sharpen their knives and now, they get dull. So I sharpen. Always ask if they mind me usualy a file on their knives first, since often they come to me duller than a butter knife. I do not try for a perfect edge for them. But it only takes a few minutes to get to shaving sharp.

    A file is your friend when the knives are that dull. So just don't let them get that dull.

    Used to watch butchers. Every few minutes, they touch up on a steel or ceramic rod for a few seconds. Always sharp.
  12. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I use Mora knives and appreciate the scandi grind. Think about the advantages in a shtf situation especially among the less practiced people in edge maintenance. It's hard to maintain a three angle grind using a rock because you didn't remember to replace the sharpening kit in the BOB. It's also a good design as well as first belt knife for youngsters. Easy to learn sharpening skills on as well as not depleting the pocketbook when they find out something knives just don't do. It's not my first choice for my belt knife that's still my 40 year old Schrade. But we have quite a few moras in kits and around the place. I ought to add that the new blades under the Schrade name in NO way compare to mine.
    Hanzo likes this.
  13. STGThndr

    STGThndr Monkey++

    Always a knife.. even have a folder in the pocket of my pajamas. Awake and dressed, three or four.
    Hanzo and Homer Simpson like this.
  14. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    I've had a fondness for the TL-29 lineman's knife since I was first issued one forty years ago. Since it was made on Government contract there were many manufacturers. My challenge for the past 15 years or so has been to find an example of each one that has blades that are unmolested by grinders or belt sanders.

    This is a nice Boker. Beautiful patina, straight shackle, and nice two tone Delrin scales. It has a nice edge on it already and will join the rotation of third knives in my EDC.
    Hanzo and Ganado like this.
  15. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    hot diggity and Gator 45/70 like this.
  16. Borrego

    Borrego Monkey

    Yeah, that's my problem illness :)
    One of my recent Amazon orders somehow ended up with last - minute addition of 3 folders on it
    I have no idea how that happened.....
    Hanzo, AndyinEverson and Gator 45/70 like this.
  17. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    If you spot it again ask if you can peek at the tang stamp on the main blade. Most are Camillus, but I have a long list of manufacturers that makes collecting them fun.
    Hanzo and Gator 45/70 like this.
  18. STGThndr

    STGThndr Monkey++

    I always carry "a" knife- or two or three... even my sleep wear has a clip folder in the pocket. Ya just never know when a sharp object might be needed! Got my first knife at age 7... My Mom was unsure about it but Dad said "Phyl, he has to start learning responsibility and once he cuts himself, he won't do that again"... Even at grade school I was the "Go to Guy" when the teacher needed a sharp knife... back then my carry was a "Boy scout knife" or later a fishing knife with yellow delrin, made by (iirc) imperial when they still made knives here and were decent quality.
    Now days, having been a collector for year, i might be carrying anything... Mostly it's a SwAK (Vic) in one pocket and some kind of assisted opener clipped to the right pocket. Beyond that ive found the CS "Kobun" useful as an edc...
    As an aside, while i have quite a few Arkie stones and sharpening gadgets, I treasure my Dad's big ol double-grit carborundum... he got it after ww2 and it's still going strong, doubt that I'll wear it out....
    For a camp knife it's usually a Camillus USMC "Ka-Bar", or a Trailmaster- and a kukri for the big jobs. Got fair handling a kuk in my youth and if defending myself with a knife (God help us if it ever comes to that!) it would be a kukri probably....
    That said, my latest acquisition is a Cold Steel Natchez... very impressive bowie. Both it and the Laredo are pure OD-fighting knives with but one purpose. Since CS only makes the (stupid and cheap) plastic "secure-ex" sheath I have designed a saddle-leather "dangler" scabbard.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
    Hanzo, oldman11 and Gator 45/70 like this.
  19. STGThndr

    STGThndr Monkey++

    I hear that, Andy... can't have just one!
  20. Waydah

    Waydah Monkey

    Like all of you, I always have a knife on my person. Use one daily for all sorts of chores that come up. Not everyone carries a blade and more and more often I run into situations where I get strange looks when I pop mine out to use for something.

    A few months ago an acquaintance of mine was attending a beer festival. He was stopped and asked at the entrance if he had a knife. He did, and they made him take it back to his vehicle before entering because the blade was over 2.5".
    Hanzo, Gator 45/70 and oldman11 like this.
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