Well, the big zero has signed a MOU with the Rockefeller's institutes. Get ready to move your ass to the city. » USDA Signs MOU with Rockefeller
yeah, our country is run by people that cant run a real business so why should we expect agriculture to be run by farmers? did ya ever notice lawyers produce nothing? they leach off people in trouble and that is all they are good for blood sucking leaches every one of them specially the ones in politics
Well I have decided that when I die I'll still be living on this farm, so if their going to get me off of it, it's going to be in a body bag. I have drawn a line in stone not sand. My family and I aren't leaving it's that simple. This our farm and we like living here so if there's any jackboots reading this like I said my line is drawn in stone. BWM
I'm not really angered by things like this anymore but like I said my lines are drawn in stone and I'm firm in what I will do. I think that it brings much more peace of mind and calmness. BWM
It is ALWAYS helpful to ones Soul, to have these kind of Decisions, well thought thru, and decided, way before they are needed. Then reactions to negative stimulus, can be very quick and decisive, because the deciding has already been done, and the OpPlan is well rehearse, straight forward, in the mind of the Operators. This gives the Operators, the timing advantage, over the OpForce, in that the OpForce does NOT know how the situation may play out, and needs to have multiple Operational Paths, ready, to implement, depending on how things go, where as the Operators know exactly what their OpPlan calls for, and can deal with the situation, without, much in the way of time delays. This is a BIG Advantage, in ANY situation.
Old military axiom, planning goes out the window on first contact. Plans B & C will probably be needed. "There is no substitute for a backup plan." (quoted from me.)
'Agenda 21'? Bah. Pretty sure its just strong-arming on behalf of big-agra types like ConAgra, Archer Daniels Midland, and, of course, Monsanto. heres hoping it all falls through. small farms are in bad enough shape as it is.
oh it's probably too late. The GMO's are making our heirloom seeds sterile over time. Soon we will all just be carnivores. My doc should love my cholesterol count then.
Hi guys,, The same things seem to accelerate in Europe,, Same project , same way and speed of application The proceed faster now , much faster than before... Sumex