Actual weapon used in Orlando Massacre

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Oltymer, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    Umm, that's called an instant background check. What a dumbass.
  2. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    Like this makes him any bigger of an anal orrifice than any other candidate or elected President in like our history?
    I rode a bike across New Mexico with the guy....he's good people...but does have his dipstick moments, like any of us.
  3. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    might want to also bring up the big numbers of those that die due to what is referred to as medical misadventure...

    IIRC the term includes Dr. screwin up as well as other medical staff... giving the wrong drugs... etc...

    think that number is pretty high
    Mountainman likes this.
  4. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Look, I like Gary Johnson, I think him giving amnesty to the 12 million illegals is wrong and I'm totally against it but I fully support all of his other policies. I would definitely prefer him over Trump and I can understand a moment of anger against a political opponent, no big deal in my book. But, he cannot win. He cannot beat Hillary. He just can't! The main point in this election should have one main purpose - beat Hillary. Take a moment and just imagine what is going to happen if she gets into office. Yes, Trump talked about refusing to sell firearms to those on no-fly lists but that was all, 'he talked.' Even the NRA are 'talking' about doing it where they would be refused firearms for 72 hours so prosecutors could bring forth good cause. But, if Hillary gets's finished, it's friggin over. Our worse nightmare will come to life. I understand everyone is upset but let's keep focused. The nation cannot go through another 8 years of what we have had and the damage she will do will ensure America can never return, it will be lost. And, if you want to say "Fine!...It was lost many years ago...Burn it down!..." That's okay but the one of the most important reasons of life is to ensure our children have a future, a free future to make their own decisions and make their own mistakes, but the fascist state that will immerge under her reign will make certain that never happens.

    Please, please keep an open mind and please know who your real enemy is because she sure as hell knows her enemies and they are you and me.
  5. JLRhiner

    JLRhiner Stranger in the Modern World

    Is it too late to get "None of the Above" on the ballot?
  6. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    I write him in often...for many offices.
  7. chimo

    chimo the few, the proud, the jarhead monkey crowd

    My "real enemy" is anyone in public office who does not understand and/or does not respect the concepts of freedom and liberty that this country was founded upon. The issue of gun control is a darned good barometer of one's character in that respect...Trump failed that test with me long ago when he opened his pie hole about "assault weapons"...I gave him another chance because I really, really, really, wanted to stick it to the Republicrat establishment and show them that they ain't the boss of us as they think they are. But Trump's statement on the no-fly list shows me that I can't trust what he says...making him just as bad as Hillary. It's up to Trump to change my mind...and if he doesn't...he doesn't get my vote.
    Salted Weapon likes this.
  8. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    I know that 100% Hilary can not be in office period.
    I also know 75% Trump should not be in office.
    I know in this Orlando thing Trump is pandering to appease the gun owners of America.
    And that said he is out playing his opponent whom are open and opposed to Trumps position.
    That has me leaning towards him or not voting at all which is something I wont do is not vote.

    But it comes to " SO CALLED " black guns, bad guns, and the medias assault weapons and machine guns the whole thing is pretty much
    one Cluster Fruck, I am used to not trusting politicians and not trusting the media. But now you can't even trust the information we get to even be remotely accurate its so far of the meter you would swear we are all on a different planet but thats another topics for another thread .;):ROFLMAO:
  9. William Warren

    William Warren Monkey+++

    No offense, but it seems to me that we may as well ask what kind of rope was used to hang Nathan Hale.

    William Warren
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