@SB21 Exactly! I truly believe we are all crazy; it's just how you definite it. Believe me, they all want to define you as being unstable. It empowers them, gives them control and, more importantly, funding. I think it is what we use to call 'a self-licking ice cream cone.' As far as your daughter having PTSD... of course they have to find something wrong with her, right? I can't imagine one going to one of these shrinks and them saying "Well, there is nothing wrong with you that a bit of exercise and glass of whiskey won't cure."
@SB21... Has your daughter been tramatized in the last 10 years... If YES, you might consider it... If NOT, tell the Shrink to get lost, and find a Better Shrink... PTSD is a real Thing, but it has become a Catch All for what these Guys can’t get a Handle on... If. you daughter is less than 25 Ye ars Old, be very careful with any Drugs she is prescribed, and carefully watch for any Phsycological SideEffects she may exhibit... Much of what the Guys do, is PLAIN Guesswork... They don’t call it PRACTICE, for nothing...
Life is quite a challenge, you are warm, protected from heat or cold, never hungry and living in a perfect environment, then bam, you are squeezed, pummeled, dragged into a cold bright world, slapped on your butt to make you scream, wrapped in some weird cloth and placed on a hard surface, you get hungry, get uncomfortable, all the rest of things we call life, and they wonder why we sometimes feel stressed. We get all upset about clothes, money, etc and our bodies react in the same way that they did when we were trying to stay one jump ahead of the lion. Used to be if you beat the lion, you went home and relaxed, if you didn't stress was the least of your problems. We weren't designed to handle a lot of emotional stress, to set still in a classroom for 6 hours, to control our thoughts and tempers at all times and quick thoughtless reactions that now will end you up in prison, for most of humanities existence, are what kept you alive. Then as Bandit99 said, the shrinks couldn't make a couple hundred thousand a year or the drug companies billions if they didn't have customers, so you have a bad day and they try to "treat" you for as long as the money holds out, meanwhile those that need treatment and don't have the money or refuse it, don't get treated and go on to do all kinds of horrific things. Then they blame the "guns" not the crazed individual that pulled the trigger. Whole system is set up to get their desired goals and make people feel like something is being done. 17 dead is a disaster, but not a national crisis , a crisis is about 475 drug over doses in New Hampshire in 2017. and probably going to exceed that this year. If they could tie the drug deaths to firearms, then it would be ever where on the mass media and mass protests on outlawing them. At present they seem to be more interested in money for the infrastructure to rehab the addicts, not stopping the drugs. War on drugs hasn't worked out well for anyone but the prison system and our militarized professional police. There are more addicts, more drugs, they are cheaper, and many times more dangerous, in spite of years of effort and hundreds of billions spent on the war. You do not see hoards of schoolchildren holding protest marches in front of the state capitals to get the drug dealers off the street as that does not fit into the left's long run goals.
I talked to her more tonight , he said something about coping , and dealing with broken promises from her mom, I got custody of her at 7 yrs old and her mom would promise to come see her , and never would. She basically does not now , or ever had a mom. And I'm sure it hurts her , but I don't think its something to be taking physcotic drugs for. She's dealt with a lot of stressful stuff with jobs and life , but nothing traumatizing . She thinks the shrink is a quack also. I told her they don't make money unless they keep her on the hook and pump her with drugs. She knows she doesn't need the stuff they're trying to give her so she's going to go to a family doctor , but you've got to watch them because the last one she was seeing for a wreck injury about had her strung out on those pain meds that's ruining the country now , but she had sense enough to catch it before it got to bad. She's pretty smart , she doesn't want to be dependent on a bunch of pills. Just like the VA now try's to give me a bunch of pills they say would help me , or I need , I just tell them , I never got hooked on anything when I was younger , I damned sure don't need to be doing it now at my age. As far as PTSD , he'll , what could be wrong with her , she grew up around me , , and I'm fine. But really , thank you all for your concern about her health and well being.
I go to the VA cause right now it's pretty much all I have medically speaking... I tell them over and over if I don't absolutely have to have a drug or something I don't want it... right now what I take is very limited... just 2 heart attack meds and tryin to get off of one of those and maybe both...
@OldDude49 I hope you rake your 80mg Asprin every day... Cheapest Insurance one can buy for Heart Attack, and very few, if any side-effects...
yep was on that when I had the attack... was odd... the VA kept harping about cholesterol... nearly all my test for it were well under the area that creates concern... yet I had considerable blockage... required the placement of 3 stents in fact... just seems... odd...