ive been playing with this idea, Low energy but high output plants Quads arent all filled in but its a start
It's a guys you tube channel. He believes modern agriculture as we know it is going to fail to provide the food we are all used to. That major changes need to be made. Encourages everyone to grow some of their own food. High lights crop losses, connects food price increases to crop insurance company reports. All public information.
wow he has his own wiki as well, im liking this guy, he's a little out there on some things but i like his focus Ice Age Farmer Wiki Ice Age Farmer
The last iceage farmer YouTube vid I saw the guy Christian was talking about all the freeze damage to crops in Oklahoma after last weeks wintery weather froze a bunch of peaches and grapes. Here in new Mexico I'm waiting yet another week to plant my trees because this coming Friday, 4/20 they are calling for more freezing temperatures and possible wintery weather this time. On another note the global warming true believers won't stop talking about how hot its been. As if wishing makes it true.
I could make it a year without summer, but only by relying heavily on my preps. I suppose you could probably grow cabbage, kale, and other winter-garden crops here in zone 8. I'm curious about winter wheat.
The problem right now is it should be spring/summer in the southern half of the country but the frost keeps coming back. Don' know what is going to happen this fall, if we get a fall.
In the hypothetical situation this is probably somewhat accurate. The biggest challenge isn’t that summer highs don’t occur. The biggest challenge is that fall might smear into winter in September and transition to spring very late. Possibly as late as August. The longer growing seasons down here might fail with traditional crops. However, at moderate I expect upstate NY style crop cycles to predominate. They make tons of produce. We may have to eat pumpkins, but so be it. At worst we will have Alaskan and Canadian growing seasons. If that happens be prepared for everyone between here and the North Pole to arrive hungry in the middle of Winter II.
greenhouse | Survival Monkey Forums Earth Bermed / Sunken Greenhouse Greenhouse: Earth Sheltered Solar
The ice age farmer youtube subscribers has doubled since I started watching. Me thinks people are catching on.
New ice age farmer video up loaded an hour ago. Check out the snow pack depth mid April this year versus last year. Oh and his videos are being reported as "inappropriate content" when he rags on man made global warming. And he is talking about earth sheltered green houses.
Despite youtubes censorship the ice age farmer is getting good hundreds of more subscribers per week. When I first saw his channel he had a few hundred subscribers I though he was some crazy guy taking crazyness. Didn't pay any more attention for a long while.
High yield cold wx plants Spinach. This plant's leaves may die during the winter, but the plant, itself, can survive and grow new leaves in spring. ... Leeks. ... Kale and collards. ... Parsnips. ... Lettuce. ... Cabbage. ... Turnips. ... Chard. ***** What Are the 10 Best Plants to Grow in a Small Vegetable Garden? Which Vegetables Are Most Efficient? - Bonnie Plants Most 'efficient' vegis. yield/sq ft *** From Jan 1, 1970! Seems not much has changed in the last 48 years.... (This is the time-frame when MEN got their start) 5 Hardy, High-Yield Vegetables You’ll Need When Disaster Strikes | Off The Grid News Corn, sweet, field and pop beans, black, red, green and pole squash, so many and so many good picks... banana ? potatoes Russet or Alaska Gold cabbage. same as squash - almost too many to choose from....
The ice age farmer subscribers has now surpassed 12 thousand. I think people are starting to catch on.