Geez, wouldn't that be great but I won't hold my breath. The stranglehold that the Fed has on the USA is a death grip and they will never let go. Ever! They will definitely go down with the ship. And, let's face it, the majority of all countries of the world now have their version of the Federal Reserve, except maybe Russia, which given time will happen and there are those that say that is why there is constantly strife with Russia, we're constantly provoking them, some say we even want a war with Russia for the simple fact to get them under the Bankers as well. @TnAndy "Gold isn't an is money.....and everything else is credit, to quote JP Morgan...The Chinese have been sucking the West dry of gold for decades'd be wise to "follow the money" and hold some." I like that quote and shall remember it! And, it is not only China buying up gold, Russia is doing so as well and has been for a long time now. Yes, I do need to hold some and need to get off my backside and take the plunge. I was hoping to see it go down to $1300 again but don't think we'll see it drop unless Trump wins and if he doesn't - well - you might see your $5000 sooner than you think.
Inflatio 150 years ago a man could walk into an up-scale haberdashery, lay down a $20 gold piece and walk out dressed like a gentleman. Today, that same 1 oz. of gold will do the same thing. That is how inflation has eaten away at the value of the US$.