A gun for the whole family

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by fortunateson, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. mitchell3006

    mitchell3006 Monkey+++

    The most important accessory to buy for any firearm is practice ammo.
    I have worked more than my fair share of shootings and seen many gunshot victims. The single most important factor is shot placement. A marginal hit from a .44 mag is still marginal. I have seen a surprising number of folks die from torso hits with .380 ball ammo. I still prefer a little more oompf than that but it has shown me the importance of placement.
    I have a buddy that will buy a new pistol then spend several hundred dollars on sights, grips, and gear. Each time he asks what he should buy for his new gun I tell him AMMO. he has very few guns that have had a box of ammo through them. He still can't hit S#!t.
    Choose what YOU are comfortable with not what we are. Spend your money on some practice ammo and do a lot of dry-fire exercises. Learn marksmanship and gun handling. These will serve you far better than the latest high-speed low-drag development on the market. Train your family well. They will need it I'm afraid.
  2. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Good post. Get plenty of practice ammo even if it's just .22LR.

  3. sweetdixie

    sweetdixie Monkey+

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