I'd like to know how many blasts that"flag" got and how they were interpreted. It is to laugh to think for a second that the data is or will be purged. And, ya know what? I do not give a rat's patoot if they purge the files or if I go on a list. In fact, I invited it. They can go back as far as they want and find me with a clearance classification and exposure above the clearance from years ago. Nothing has changed, except my out of country travel and employment. They can get that from the passport records. This might even be fun. I think I'll wait a couple years and drop an FOIA suit on them. As should we all before zero loses the next election.
I think it is time for me to send another email to Lord Obama. Sorta pour gasoline on the fire so to speak. Let him know how pleased I am that he is a weak kneed lily livered socialist piece of dirty butt wipe! Then, I might go ahead and tell him how I realy feel. note to all ..... this post is not racially motivated .... butt wipes come in all stripes, colors, genders, religions, etc. Butt wipes know no boundries. I have hopes this post doesn't offend any Mods or Monkies. I had a bad day, and this seemed like an appropriate venting rant.