Any government can give or take away expressed rights. People take away the rights of other people all the time; the Orlando shooter took away the rights of 49 people! I live in California and I carry from time-to-time. I don't need a law saying I can or I can't. There is no reason why any law enforcement officer would be checking me out anyway.
They are also called unalienable, inalienable, natural, etc. Rights that all humans are born with. God gave you life. Do you need government permission to eat, breath, believe (or not) in a deity or religion, reproduce, speak your mind, defend yourself, your family or your community using the means of your choice, etc? Government (or anyone else) "can" deprive you of those rights by only two means...if you surrender them or if they take them by force. You are free to do the former, but the latter indicates a belief that might makes right. If that is the case, you must also believe that the Orlando shooter had a right to take all those lives...since he had the guns and they didn't. I'm pretty sure you don't believe that. The Orlando shooter had no more right to deprive his victims of their life and liberty than government does. One has a right to exercise their rights as long as doing so doesn't deprive others of their rights...thus simply owning a firearm doesn't infringe on anyone's rights...using it to harm or threaten them does...which is why such behavior is illegal and we give our governments the power to deprive those convicted (via due process) of such things of their rights via fines, incarceration and even death.
Might may not make right, but it certainly does help. My point was that the only 'rights' you have are the ones that you can defend. I think that we all agree that the Orlando shooter was wrong in so many ways. So were the shooters in San Bernardino. Right now our government is talking about additional gun control like that is going to somehow make us safer.
Well I plan on defending them to the best of my ability...better to die on my feet than to live on my knees.