Burning temp is dependent on a lot of variables. If you are willing to accept that kerosene and jet fuel are pretty close to the same thing, it will burn in a lamp at around 500 degrees. HOWEVER, that is not the case in conflagrations such as the towers experienced. In a jet engine, temps exceeding 3000 F are normal, bearing in mind that is in an artificial and contained environment. Steel will start to "soften" (meaning lose strength) at roughly 1700F. Consider that ANY fire, large of small, will create a draft. Sez me, and maybe me only, with a few thousand pounds of jet fuel burning, there WILL be a draft, and as you know, a draft will increase the temperature of a flame. Pretty clearly from the various pix that came out afterwards, there was a lot of deformed steel, due from both heat and later in the event impact due to stuff falling on it. I did NOT read the structural forensic studies, but the synopses I did read point to credible events from the aircraft impacts, not some (to me) silly speculation of pre-planned demolition. Why, asks me, would you want to depend on some ill trained lout to fly a plane into the tower? If you are going to the trouble of pre-placing shaped charges, why not just set them off? Now I'll tell you what kids: If I wanted to drop those towers, I would have cut them on only one side and let them fall, not pancake. NYC was beyond lucky those structures did not lay out like felled trees.
There is no conspiracy. There's a great South Park episode about how the government kinda likes that some people think there's a conspiracy because the gov wants people to think it's organized and leak-proof enough to actually pull something off like that. I've worked in the highest levels of the White House and DOD, and I promise there's no way this could be pulled off in any sanctioned way.
All, I've a question, granted it is rather a stupid one but bear with me since it always bother me because I seriously don't know... Wouldn't the jet fuel have burned immediately in the initial explosion upon impact? This would have definitely ignited the fire of the building but seems to me the burn rate of the fuel would have been - well - instantaneous. Having said that, what would have burn so hot as to melt steel afterwards? ghrit says a 'draft' and that is obviously possible since blacksmiths been using the same technic for centuries so...like a huge bellows blowing on all of the pillars (I don't know the exact number but a lot of them) at the same time, at once causing almost perfect synchronous failure at exactly the same time to pancake beautifully without further destruction to the city. What are the odds? And, then to have it happen again on building #7 just minutes later? Really? @Thunder5Ranch As far as the det cord not being found, I think the answer to that is simple, det cord wasn't used. Whatever was used, if indeed the building was blown, it was some new type of device probably this nano-thermite device mentioned in the video. This had to be the case because det cord would have been too obvious. @ghrit "Why, asks me, would you want to depend on some ill trained lout to fly a plane into the tower?" That is relatively easy to answer, because there were more than one reason for this false flag op, multiple reasons actually, a hell'va lot of reasons. The purpose of the 'lout' was to point the country towards war against the Mideast and by doing so, take the heat off Israel, cause billions of dollars in contracts, adjust the American populous attitude towards the Middle East and Islam to one of waging war for the next 10+ years. But, there were so many tidy coincidences that surfaced afterwards that one can easily surmise they were the real 'reasons' or better stated the cause and justification for such an act. The list is long and serious and I am short on time but the main cause was, and like always is the case, about money: $2.4T dollars.
Actually, the Fires were ignited by the Jet fuel but much of the BTUs in the fire itself, came from the flammable materials that could be found on the floors that were on fire... think Paper, Plastic Materials, all the other Materials that will burn, once ignited... To time such an Energetic Material Demolition you still need MILES of the stuff and Initiator Delay Products, to get the REQUIRED timing... Residue of ANY of these were never found...
Yes, plus the wealth from market shares, every sort of armaments due to proliferation on all sides, the oil, the oil, the oil, and all the great coin found in warfare, the economy itself relies upon perpetual war. We've been embroiled in the Middle East continually ever since. I see a lot of conjecture and open handed statements being made, but no substantial claims to defend the coverup. And make no mistake, it was a coverup. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0930852516/?tag=survivalmonke-20 (I don't suggest buying this book given its inflated price, but only linked it for you to read the description and possibly you may find alternative sources to complete the puzzle, so to speak. In short, the Zionist link is a very "touchy" subject, and the mainstream as well as nearly all alternative media simply won't touch it...because Hitler.)
I don't like the whole allusion to a pancake collapse at all. The floors did not pancake. A very large section of each tower collapsed and created a cascade that pulverized the entire building on the way down. The only point of failure was localized to the crash and fire where some support was destroyed outright, some more was stressed due to impact and all that remained was heated, causing the remaining support structure to be weakened to the point of failure under the load. I'm no engineer and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night... I'm distrustful of any godvernment in general and don't trust the official story for squat. The story as written is a pile of excrement but the towers did collapse, in my unprofessional opinion, as a result of the plane impacts and resulting fires. Building 7? Now that, fellow monkeys, is a whole 'nuther ball o' wax... There is no way that building fell symmetrically within its foot print due to fire. The center drops away out to the ends in perfect sequence. That building had all the help a professional demolitions crew could offer. Research what was in #7 and what went missing... It sounds to me like a small group from within the power players preempted a financial collapse with misdirection. A mini reset if you will. It seems to have worked too. Hard to believe anybody is still buying what the fed is selling. What's in it for the Chinese? Any of you watch Mr Robot? Interesting story line.
@BTPost "...think Paper, Plastic Materials, all the other Materials that will burn, once ignited..." But, that stuff doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel...and all the steel pillars at the same time? "To time such an Energetic Material Demolition you still need MILES of the stuff and Initiator Delay Products, to get the REQUIRED timing... Residue of ANY of these were never found..." I will bow to your knowledge on the subject but again IF the building was blown, it would not have been using normal procedures and materials that would have been easily traced so looking for any is sort of a waste of time. Instead, using the 'Corbett Report' technic, in that looking for real hard evidence is fruitless since they completely controlled the area and its investigation, look for motive, opportunity, and actions of the individuals who stood to gain. I am sorry but there are just too many convenient coincidences, even the exact locations the planes struck seems to benefit some individuals, organizations or agencies. No. I do not believe it. I do believe it went a bit too far but let's face the facts. Throughout history leaders have been willing, and continue to be, to sacrifice their own people for what they believe to be the greater good. Call it 'Manifest Destiny' or the 'Domino effect' fighting Communism, or outright lie to involve us in WW1 and WW2... No, too damn many convenient coincidences... And, I truly believe our government is more than willing to do something like this...hell, I can name many times in history where they have killed Americans or let them be killed supposedly for the greater good.
@Byte "Building 7? Now that, fellow monkeys, is a whole 'nuther ball o' wax..." But...if you can't believe one part of the story how then can you believe the other part(s)? A perfect pancake in probably the most expensive neighborhood in America, its financial center, of not one but two buildings of 1400 feet or more? A perfect coincidence not once but twice in minutes? What is the odds of such an event? @The_Prepared "I've worked in the highest levels of the White House and DOD, and I promise there's no way this could be pulled off in any sanctioned way." Sorry, I actually thought you were serious for a moment. LOL!
Not sure what you're suggesting I don't believe. I believe the event was planned as a whole. Well planned...and executed. There aren't any coincidences here. I believe #7 would have been imploded whether the towers came down or not. What was destroyed there had to be gone. No matter what it took. They would have used the excuse of fire no matter the status of the towers. The towers actually coming down makes it easier for the public to swallow the fire causing the precisely symmetrical collapse of #7. That's where they messed up. They didn't consider how that one small detail would play to anybody with a skeptical eye and the ability to think. Had they taken the time to specify an asymmetrical collapse, I think we'd be having a completely different discussion.
About the fire theory. In the video I linked earlier, it explains this in detail. I guess some people didn't take the time to watch it. At 11:09, about the fires: But how: At 22:06, the elevators, naturally: At 23:20 - Eyewitness, firefighters say they heard explosions prior to collapse: At 28:06 - from firefighters and debris removal personnel "molten steel": At 31:01 - Sulfur and thermite/thermate: At 33:30 iron microspheres (try getting those from a fire/collapse some time): And here, "nano-thermite", far too cool for most to understand. Not too difficult for an advanced military development industry, say...Israel? -
That whole "Thermate" deal we propagated by an IDIOT Liberal Arts Prof. at BYU in Utah... His is so full of BS, they FIRED him and he lost his Tenure... He was operating WAY OUTSIDE his area of expertise... Not creditable in the slightest, PERIOD...
@BTPost Bloody hell, BTP! Watch the video. For goodness sake, I do not doubt there are a few liberal professors that are light on getting published and wish their name recognized but the video and its experts are indeed extensive! Furthermore, This isn't anything new in American history, first and foremost comes the Spanish American War, or the 'Hearst War" as I like to call it...shall I go on? Nevertheless, one must come to their own conclusions but I will say this - anyone with a 9th grade education which includes basic physics should be very concerned after watching those videos. I was in Kosovo and while it sounds like an excuse it wasn't until much later I actually got a chance to watch the videos. For me, I am convinced. I am convinced that the NIST narrative is bullshit, pure and utterly, and after 40 years of going where I was needed and doing what was needed, I think Americans deserve a better answer. This is nothing more than a 'Hitler's Reichstag' which, btw was never proven either. First we got these Antifa which resembles the SA Stormtroopers now we got the burning of the Reichstag. @Brokor Thank you. I admit, sometimes I am harsh on you, and for that I am sorry. It has taken a while to understand exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes...yeah, it's deep...a hell'va lot deeper than I thought! I will obtain this video, which is excellent, and review yearly, and I intend to contact 911 survivor groups and support in whatever manner I can. Yeah, I believe and I am ashamed. Nevertheless, thank you, 4 years back but only starting to see clearly... Let me end by saying this... Actually, Kennedy might have been the catalyst for this. Why?...maybe they got away with it? In all honestly, I do not know about it, as I'm not too concerned, but it does pass the logic test...if the country can believe the killing a President...? Well, you can force feed them anything and, in truth, who would believe their own government is their worse enemy?...I rest my case.
No, I invite harsh criticism, it encourages me to try harder to say the same thing a different way. And you are always welcome, truly. The whole honest truth is, I believe it is better to keep reaching out despite how terrible these truths really are because the more people I can reach, the better things may be at some point. The only cautions I can give people is to try not to have a mental breakdown and also try not to believe everything conspiratorial on the internet. Once you get "in the know" and manage to dispel some of the major illusions, the patterns appear all around you.
@Byte "I don't like the whole allusion to a pancake collapse at all..." My apology as I misread your initial statement. Please disregard my "But...if you can't believe one part of the story how then can you believe the other part(s)?" statement/question. I won't edit/delete it as I think for you and also for me Building #7 is the 'smoking gun' which has bothered me for years. They screwed up there but it all turned out well for them and frankly they truly don't care what the people think anyway. All, BTW if anyone is interested in the '911: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out' DVD it cost $22 off their website and one can also download it in MP4.
Yeah, well, whether it was or was not sanctioned, someone blew those buildings then got rid on the evidence before an independent analysis could be done and instead gave the public and survivors an investigation tailored to fit the scenario they wanted it to prove. Simply put, the bldg. #7 video and the BS investigation afterwards tells me high-level government was involved, somehow, someway. And, I am not alone in thinking this...far from it.
Temperature and Strength of Metals It doesn’t have to melt the steel. Temperatures high enough to weaken it so the load it is carrying is beyond its ultimate strength will do.
I downloaded torrent Watched 9/11: Explosive Evidence I downloaded torrent hash I'll post . As I thought & knew . Same as the pentagon BS .I have seen real Downed aircraft , just after doing work. We are the lesser folks who care & know . The rest don't give a crap . You would need 55% plus to care