7 Mistakes of Food Storage

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by melbo, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Man, this guy got everywhere huh?
  2. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    its unfortunate that a good thread gets dumped on by an azzclown like meyah. He has certainly taught me what it is like to live with someone who has Tourets.
  3. roscoe

    roscoe Monkey+++ Founding Member

    With 99+% dead, except you, of course, who are you hiding your garden from??? [dunno]
  4. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Roscoe, you pointed the most obvious which many of us were so P.O.D. over the 55 other garbage posts that we failed to see it.

    So, anyone have additional information to add that will bring this back to food storage successes and problems?
  5. ChemicalGal

    ChemicalGal Monkey+++

    Thanks for the info it makes good sense. I think I have done what it suggests. Didn't do meat as figure on raising some, fishing some, hunting/snaring some.

    Now, who want to reccomend a good cookbook for cooking with dehydrated & freeze dried & powdered foods :dunno:
  6. ChemicalGal

    ChemicalGal Monkey+++

    Or even better, how about we start a favorite receipe forum for cooking with this stuff

    I don't have one yet, haven't tried them....but planning to b::
  7. jim

    jim Monkey+++ Founding Member

    How about planting veggies in a random pattern where they're shielded from the air, and at least somewhat from prying eyes on the ground? Potatoes along fencelines distant from roads and streets? Along railroad right's of way? Small grains like quinoa and amaranth scattered about pstures?

  8. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    If you can get them to grow that way then it may be fine but most veggies dont do well enouph to survive if haveing to compete with a lot of other vegitation and if its shielded from the sky then it also gets less sun and may not do well.

    One thing to keep in mind though if you find stuff that will compete with the other stuff and survive then the truth is most folks, especialy from the city, wouldnt even recognize most garden plants unless they were in a tilled patch. You could have a big bean or pea patch and most folks would walk through the middle of it while starving and still never know there was any food around.
  9. Sojourner

    Sojourner Silverback

    Food storage

    Does anyone do home canning? My clan keeps me supplied with canning jars. They say that when I run out of things to can, I start looking at them a bit strangely.
  10. monkeyman

    monkeyman Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    We do some, once Ican geta cellar put in we will most likely be doinga lot more.
  11. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    The first post is a good one. 7 things to consider when planning your storage. The rest of the thread seems derail for a bit but I decided to bump because @melbo's original post needs to be considered.

    I have given myself an assignment of planning 18 months food storage. I think eggs will be an issue. In my assignment I am planning on not having chickens, thus I need egg substitutes. Here is some info on what can be used in baking if you do not have eggs:

    Also prior to storing large quantities, go buy the item and try it out. Experiment and see how the family reacts. IMO most people do not use wheat
    normally. Know how to use your products.

    a) Many people are allergic to wheat and may not be aware of it until they are eating it meal after meal.

    b) Wheat is too harsh for young children. They can tolerate it in small amounts but not as their main staple.
    Yard Dart likes this.
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