Maybe being a legal citizen and a taxpayer should be the requirements to vote? I am not 100% sure on this but its something to think about.
You misunderstand - my bad for a failure to completely communicate Please re-read my post. The important words are "Where does it end" and "A Constitutional right is just that." If you are a legal citizen, and not a convicted felon, vote. So many people fail to exercise their franchise, that it is in danger of collapse. . Ave rage turnout here locally is always under 20% of registered voters...
You are correct, where does it end. I have read many articles this year on lowering the voting age to 16. A lot of people think that is a really good idea. I don't. Those kids are citizens, so why do they not have a say in who is elected? I swear there is one article a month suggesting lowing the voting age. I think that is seed planting.
Age of majority should not be confused with the age of maturity, age of sexual consent, marriageable age, school-leaving age, drinking age, driving age, voting age, smoking age, gambling age, etc., which each may be independent of and set at a different age from the age of majority. Although a person may attain the age of majority in a particular jurisdiction, they may still be subject to age-based restrictions regarding matters such as the right to vote or stand for elective office, act as a judge, and many others. In the United States, a person must be aged 35 or over to be President or Vice President, 30 or over to be a Senator, and 25 or over to be a Representative, as specified in the U.S. Constitution. Most states in the U.S. also have age requirements for the offices of Governor, State Senator, and State Representative. Some states have a minimum age requirement to hold any elected office (usually 21 or 18). So - NO to 16 Y/Os voting....
In Heinlein's book "Starship Troopers" there was a requirement that you serve in the military to get your right to vote, but anyone in the military couldn't vote. It might be a good idea to have a requirement for compulsory service to be allowed to vote, military, vista, ccc, or wpa, etc. Open it to illegals if they want citizenship. By the way I was denied enlistment by an overzealous med tech when I went for my physical. Turns out I don't have what kept me out of the AF. Wish I could find him and tell him how he f****d up my life.
That is exactly why I brought that up. I specified active duty armed services in my original post. But: I really don't care as long as it's a contractual service of some kind that extends for a period of years with crappy pay, food, living conditions, and the odd chance of being maimed or killed. I just refuse to believe these basement dwellers should have any say in MY rights and freedoms.
NOY military service. Federal Service. We had a pretty good discussion on the book here (SM Book Club- Starship Trooper- DISCUSSION) From that thread- "the requirement to vote was described as "fulfilling at least two years of "Federal Service". This is open to everyone, regardless of ability. Vets get the protected jobs. As an aside, I see this in the private sector. For example, in Clark County (Las Vegas) retired police get first shot at any open bailiff positions. If you think about it - it really makes sense in many areas. "