410 shotgun handgun

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by oil pan 4, May 15, 2024.

  1. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    Ive got a case of slugs, #6 and #4's and a butt load of 45lc. My wife has one for a snake or booger, a client also gave me a 6 inch barrel one, another gave the revolving shotgun one i let the grands shoot and i pig hunt with a 7 1/2 barrel colt SA in 45.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Last ditch hideaway purchases:
    Trash tier used single shot shotguns. Can be had for as little as $100, less if they need work, such as a cracked stock, 20ga, no choke seems to be the least desirable.
    The altor, single shot 9mm and/or 380, looks like a hot glue gun. They were $94.
    Trailblazer lifecard, more expensive, single shot 22lr, short or 22wmr. Looks like a cellphone, $300.
    A highpoint. They were $200.
    I saw a Ruger LC9 looking thing that was a 380acp for $200 at hard R late last year.
  3. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Standard 45colt seems like plenty to kill most things at close range.
  4. Jerry Fisk

    Jerry Fisk Monkey

    It are. Its the only good deal i got on a gun. It came out of the Colts custom shop. 2nd generation. New in box. $250. Unfluted cyl. Had it awhile.
  5. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Have you looked for 20 GA shotgun shells lately? How about 16 GA or anything in 2 2/4"? They are damned hard to find! Today, I was able to buy a few boxes of 12 GA 00 Buck, 20 GA #1 and .410 Buck/Slug. It was the first time in a long time that I have found anything in 2 3/4" besides birdshot!
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