26 day water fast

Discussion in 'Survival of the Fittest' started by melbo, Nov 13, 2010.

  1. Ajax

    Ajax Monkey++

    Wow, that's really amazing. I never knew that about fasting. I am going to have to read up on that a lot more.

    I hope Melbo chimes in about his experience. Once of my biggest fears is losing too much muscle mass.
  2. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Sorry about that, Not sure what happened but I just re-uploaded another copy. Try it again.

    As far as further exposition on my experience, I promise I'll get to all your questions. Been slammed with a few other things right now.

    Read the Devries book first, it's short and answers a lot of these questions.
  3. Siskiyoumom

    Siskiyoumom Monkey+

    Easing into a water only fast can help you deal with g.i./bowel issues.

    Having a tongue scrapper [a dental health tool to clean your tongue] can help with the white coating that can get very thick and irritating.

    Some friends have used metamucil/fiber with their water fast to keep their bowels moving during ultra long fasts.

    I have been cautious about fasting after a friend broke her fast too quickly with the wrong proportation and types of foods. She ended up becoming very ill and it took many months for her g.i./bowels to recover.

    Some folks will use a short juice then water fast prior to a colon cleansing treatment.

    My question for Melbo is "How did your urine look and smell?" I have a friend who insists that our urine can be read for illness and toxicity. And that a truly healthy person has essentially clear urine and that one should void their bladders at least ten times a day.

    Have you heard about this train of thought?

    Thanks, Sis
  4. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

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