.22 lr Ammo, Why?

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by Motomom34, Jul 13, 2016.

  1. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++


    The best price comes if you have a a retailer near you so You dont pay for shipping
  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    All I have near me is Walmart and gouging gun shops.
    Brokor and Salted Weapon like this.
  3. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    The Guy (plinkster) in that last video said he knew a guy who had 200,000 rounds of .22 . I am very jealous. I thought I was over the top with just under 20,000 . After Our last shooting session we are down to just under 19,000 rounds. I finally counted the ammo cans and loose 50 round boxes. Im shooting up the cheapest crap right now . About 600 Remington Thunderbolts to go and they are gone.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I got a contact within Wal-Mart who gave me a no-bull answer and it makes perfect sense. We're not certain when it happened, but the inventory management system they have is supposed to be automated, but folks at the corporate office tend to make political decisions, if you know what I am saying. For instance, cowboy Bob and his family of twelve, his two cousins, eighteen friends, and four neighbors all head down to their local Wal-Mart on Wednesday evening when the night crew starts stocking shelves. Naturally, at least a few of these fine American citizens have friends who work at Wal-Mart. Some of them stockpile for Armageddon, and most will post the ammo on Gunbroker or sell through forums online for a sexy profit. Now, do the math.

    On top of this, Wal-Mart purposefully does not re-order items which have become problematic, and for a period of at least two years, manufacturers cut .22 production to boost the manufacturing of other ammunition due to insanely massive orders from your friendly neighborhood government, which placed retarded orders for every damn bullet they could. Like every good corporation, the ammunition companies wouldn't turn down a nearly endless stream of sales because it's money in the bank. Hence, for a time, some Wal-Mart stores simply did not have common bulk .22 ammo being ordered. This varied across the country, state by state. In some areas, bulk .22 ammo can be found, even at Wal-Mart (and regularly).

    For the vast majority of folks, we've got a double-sided problem with Wal-mart idiocy (maligned cause or due to automation) as well as the traditional American capitalist profiteering and hoarding by average citizens which makes .22 bulk ammunition scarcity a very real problem of monumental proportions.

    On the subject of "why" the .22 caliber of weaponry is so important, the guys already gave most of the answers. It comes down to cost and general effectiveness with the intended application. One example is, I can outfit an entire town block of citizens with 500 rounds and a .22 long rifle that can shoot the eye out of a "bad guy" at acceptable urban range. There's no sense worrying about defeating fancy body armor. The .22 rifle is so ubiquitous and versatile, as the economy continues to plummet, it's no wonder why the popularity soars. Now, we should all know that large caliber, high velocity firearms are preferable for many reasons, which is why we don't see military units armed with standard .22 rifles.
  5. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Bottom line... a great & cheap cartridge to have that fills many roles....stack it deep. If you see it available, buy what you can.. because if you don't, I for one will be standing in line behind you ready to grab the rest if they let me. :)
    Motomom34 and Brokor like this.
  6. svjoe

    svjoe Angry Monkey

    I hear ya..........2 .22's and 3 12 gauges at my humble abode.
  7. tacmotusn

    tacmotusn RIP 1/13/21

    There is plenty of reasons olde dudes buy up all the 22lr that they can get their hands on at a reasonable price. If you haven't figured any good reasons for this action and are over 21 years of age you may need to put down the game console controller and get out of the house. If you do not own a 22 rifle or pistol, and or have not fired a 22, you may want to give it a try. Other than bb and pellet guns it used to be the cheapest way to shoot. If after owning and or shooting a 22 you still have no clue what all the hubbub is about, well that is okay ..... I will not belabor the point. Besides it will make it easier and hopefully cheaper for this olde dude to achieve my 100,000 rd stash of 22lr. Y'all have a blessed day.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    When I first got back I was thinking of starting a manufacturing facility to produce specifically .22LR since it is in such high demand and apparently manufactures cannot keep up with demand. Seemed a no-brainer to me and Idaho gives lots of perks to startups. So, I did a lot of research on the subject and found 2 major points that sort of cooled me on the idea. First, manufactures are producing the maximum possible which should actually fill the demand but people are buy and storing it as fast as it goes on the shelves as oppose to buying and shooting it. Second, Remington is completing a new giant of a facility that should finally be able to equal the demand or at least make a huge dent in it.
    AD1 likes this.
  9. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    I would never touch a firearm or ammo myself, being deathly afraid of them, but I heard this guy say this one time:

    I used to add a brick of .22 to the cart every time I went shopping, for $15.
    When I saw the .22 was available only rarely but still for $18, and then I saw the gun shows were selling that same brick for $60, I continued to pick them up when they were available. Even though I had no foreseeable need for it, it's stupid to find something worth more than dollars and not to pick it up when it's on sale.
  10. azrancher

    azrancher Monkey +++

    Me too, they are scary weapons of mass destruction. I prefer RPG's

    john316, Yard Dart and AD1 like this.
  11. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    Just got a Bucket o Bullets, didnt need them really just Cabelas was running a special and free shipping.
    The Rem Goldens are usually dirty and have crappy cases so was not expecting much.
    They are in great shape and not a spec of dirt . No not hording, saving for myself figure someday they will be needed maybe even for trade.
    AD1 and Ganado like this.
  12. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @Idahoser "I used to add a brick of .22 to the cart every time I went shopping, for $15...."

    Well, I guess I am doing the same because I was at Walmart today and the had 4 boxes left of the 325 round bricks but they would only let me buy one. I purchased it even those I don't need .22LR and they were not even the FMJs that I prefer...then of course I had to pick up some of their cheap 9mm so I don't have to touch my stash this weekend. :):)
    But, in my own defense, I do not see any problem with purchasing extra food or extra ammo as both can and will always get used sooner or later....
    Salted Weapon and AD1 like this.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I've determined that I'm willing to pay up to 10cents per rd. So if I can find quality ammo, CCI or Winchester for 10 cents or less per round. I'll buy some. Typically buy it online as driving from store to store makes the cost per round way more than one would think. Also .. it gets delivered right to the door .. no driving required.

    I'm pretty sure the days of 50 rounds for under 3 bucks is never coming back.
    Yard Dart, Salted Weapon and AD1 like this.
  14. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    I save my 22 ammo and practice with air guns.
    Yard Dart and Salted Weapon like this.
  15. velzey

    velzey Monkey

    I worry that there wont be any .22LR ammo for my kids to plink with. Like I did when I was a kid. I would burn thru a brick in just a day some days. Around here I see a pretty good flow of .22.
    As for the vid, If ever see .22 ammo in the back (of the small local shops I frequent) that doesn't make it up front. They would hear about it. That's the nice thing about being able to go into the back rooms to pick up repairs....I always look around for cases of stashed ammo.
  16. AD1

    AD1 Monkey+++

    @velzey If you are looking for any ammo including 22LR go to www.wikiarms.com and set up a email alert on 22 LR

    They have them from Bass Pro, Cableas, Gander Mountain and others.

    The key is if you have one of these stores near you, you can have the ammo shipped to the store free of charge so you dont pay shipping.

    I set the limits on my alerts to ¢7 or less a round.

    This just came in yesterday from Gander Mtn.

    You have to move fast cuz the ammo you get alreted to will go in 20 minutes or less.
    3M-TA3 and Salted Weapon like this.
  17. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    22lrs.= Cajun Wampum
    Salted Weapon and AD1 like this.
  18. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Im still buying high end stuff for my handguns.
  19. Capt. Tyree

    Capt. Tyree Hawkeye

    The Wal Marts in my area don't even display 22LR. You have to know about it before you enter the store in order to ask the sporting goods clerk. They may or may not acknowledge that they have any in a cabinet under the counter, or in the back storage. Academy will show 22LR on display, but you have to ask the clerk in order to obtain the one or two box limit. Local guns show vendors have a great inventory to select from, only you will pay a "very great" price for the purchase. On-line purchases seem to be the most effective way to get exactly what you want, only the shipping cost makes the price similar to gun show levels. Sadly, the good old days of full display shelves with dust on a variety of boxes are long gone.
  20. Salted Weapon

    Salted Weapon Monkey+++

    I have picked up some here and its not bad.
    Outdoor Limited Your Ammo Super Store | Buy Bulk Ammo Online
    Ive posted this link before prices are not bad and they have good ammo I picked up some for the pistols.
    The key I like is they always have stock and are not like 65.00 a box lol
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    Socket mold

    Here is how I make my slingshot ammo with a socket. [MEDIA]
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