2011 Garden - lost most of my plants

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by kckndrgn, Apr 6, 2011.

  1. justthinking

    justthinking Monkey+

    Motion activated lights do a good job especially if you can move them around from time to time so the animals don't get use to them. Seen a way cool one in a livestock catalog not to long back that was used to keep coyotes away from new babies it cost a lot however.
  2. BAT1

    BAT1 Cowboys know no fear

    I make my soil out of Equal amounts of peat moss, natural compost, and vermiculite or perlite.
    Then I thrown in some manure and let season and ripen, keeping it stirred.
  3. iboya

    iboya Monkey+

    ...that hurts, saw a raccoon ripping the shingles off my neighbors roof one year, we spent an hour trying to get him off...he left eventually
  4. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Figured i should update this. I've recovered most of the lost plants, and i had about 6 "volunteer" tomato plants pop up.

    Still have a couple of bare spots in the garden. I'm trying to figure out what to plant for some fall harvesting, any suggestions?

    I did have an "unknown" plant I got from work. One of the product managers was testing something we are going to start selling (a Tower Garden), and after his test was going to throw the plants away. STUPID!! Well i got some herbs and a "mystery" plant. This plant was eaten back to the stem when I lost most of the garden. It survived and is now nice bushy Habanero plant and has several peppers on it :) Good thing I like spicey foods[reddevil]

    Green beans are coming in good. First "small" harvest of a hand full of beans was quickly consumed by the kids, they ate them raw, fresh from the garden, best way to have them in my opinion.
    Garden.JPG PepperPlant.JPG
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