Resource 1560 Geneva Bible pdf - bookmarked by book and chapter 2014-01-09

This version contain the Old Testament, the Apocrypha and the New Testament.

  1. FWC

    FWC Monkey+

    Hi fans of the Geneva Bible,

    I stumbled upon this forum while looking for a pdf of the Geneva Bible.
    Here is another wiki on the Geneva:
    Geneva Bible - Conservapedia

    My first post at Survival Monkey. I signed up to get access to the PDF file. Nice work on the size reduction melbo. Very little degredation, thanks.

    I have a hard copy of the 1599 version from Tolle Lege press--a large family Bible. It has the more modern spelling--much easier to read.

    vja4Him: you'll be interested to know it comes with a dictionary of those weird words you were asking about.

    The Tolle Lege version came with a CD with the whole thing in PDF format. I put that on my Kindle. I wanted the original Geneva Bible in PDF on my Kindle as well. I found that here. Thanks melbo!

    I have a request for melbo:
    Could you add a table of contents to your PDF version?
    Your bookmarks for books and chapters work well on my PC but not on my Kindle--no fault of yours, of course but for the 1599 version there is a work-around in the form of a table of contents. When viewing the 1599 version on the Kindle, I can jump to the beginning (which actually takes me to page 35, after all the intro stuff) from there I can go one page back and there it is, a table of contents showing the page numbers for the beginning of each chapter just as you would expect with any modern hard-copy book. I could send my PDF to you as an example if you are interested.

    Question for the moderators: is my email address visible to other users?

  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    No. You can check by looking in your public profile.

    Welcome aboard.
  3. FWC

    FWC Monkey+

    I am also interested in the study of authority in this context. Romans 13 should not be taken out of context but together with the rest of the scriptures. The first century was a time of great tyranny. This is a very interesting period of time for these issues to play out. The Jews suffered under two levels of tyranny. 1) the scribes and Pharisees, whom Jesus called "vipers" and "blind guides" and 2) the iron fist of Rome.

    Some points to consider:
    1) Rome was a very authoritarian society as Jesus indicated in Matthew 20:25 when he said:
    " You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you..."
    2) Paul was a Roman citizen.
    3) Paul was writing to the Romans.
    4) Paul was writing as a Roman to the Romans in the manner he described in 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, summarized in the one statement "I have become all things to all men"

    So, from the time of his Damascus road experience, Paul spent the remainder of his life defying the authorities who sought to silence him. Yet when he addressed the Romans, he affirmed their authoritarian society so that, in his words, " by all possible means I might save some."

    I think the Geneva Bible is itself a study in authority and rebellion. It was a forbidden book born out of rebellion to tyrants and obedience to God. Likewise, this nation was formed in rebellion--but not in rebellion to God. The rebellion on which our nation was founded can best be understood as an extension of the Protestant reformation. Our nation's motto -- as printed on our coins -- is "LIBERTY". But it was almost not so. Our motto came very close to being "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God". This phrase best expressed the sentiments of those engaged in the resistance at the time. Today it seems like an outrageous thing to say--but that is only an indication of how much people of today have been conditioned to accept an authoritarian society. The founders of this nation would not have accepted it.

    Another interesting thing is that the translators of the Geneva Bible went out of their way to avoid using manuscripts under the control of the Catholic Church. Translators of today take a dim view of those manuscripts and tend to favor instead those manuscripts that the early reformers rejected. It kinda makes one wonder why. There are those in the KJV-only camp that have complained about this for years. Recently an expert translator of the dead sea scrolls has written a book that shines some light on this issue. Nehemia Gordon has found the perfect Scripture on which to make his point: Matthew 23:2-4.

    Link follows:
    Jew teaches Christians about Jesus

    A small blurb from this site follows.

    ~~~ snip ~~~

    "The King James translation of Matthew 23:2-4 has befuddled Christians for hundreds of years. While Jesus indicted the Pharisees, calling them "vipers" and worse, He seems to suggest doing what they say to do in this verse: "Saying the scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat: All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not. For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers."

    But, according to Gordon's translation of the recently discovered Hebrew text of Matthew, there is a slight, but important, mistranslation of the verse – probably a result of an original error in the Greek. Some scholars believe Matthew originally wrote his gospel in Hebrew.

    What it actually says, according to Gordon, is for followers to do what Moses says, not the Pharisees. When the Pharisees would sit in Moses' seat, they would read from the first five books of the Bible – the words of Moses. Jesus, or Yeshua, was telling His disciples to heed the scriptural text and disregard the man-made teachings of the Pharisees, explains Gordon.

    Gordon's research reveals that the more "modern" Greek text of Matthew, from which the Western world's versions were translated, depicts "another Jesus" from the Yeshua portrayed in the ancient Hebrew version of Matthew. Gordon explains the life-and-death conflict Yeshua had with the Pharisees as they schemed to grab the reins of Judaism in the first century, and brings that conflict into perspective for both Jew and Christian alike."

    ~~~ snip ~~~

    So it would seem that with Gordon's interpretation, Jesus is saying we should hear the words coming from the mouth of the Pharisees, toss out the nonsense but glean from those words that what Moses says and do what Moses says. I find it also interesting "the life-and-death conflict Yeshua had with the Pharisees" that Gordon describes. Somehow todays Bible translations seem to minimize this [rebel] aspect of the life of Jesus. I agree with Gordon on this point.

    When I look up Matthew 23 in my 1599 Geneva bible I am delighted to find the translation/interpretation in perfect agreement with Gordon's -- with the commentary driving the point home even more forcefully than Gordon. Commentary from the 1599 Geneva bible follows:

    ~~~ snip ~~~

    23:2 1 We ought to hear whatsoever any wicked teachers teach us purely out of the word of God, yet so that we eschew their evil manners.
    2 Because God appointed the order, therefore the Lord would have his word to be heard even from the mouth of hypocrites and hirelings.

    23:3 1 Provided always, that they deliver Moses his doctrine which they profess, which thing the Metaphor of the seat showeth, which they occupied as teachers of Moses his learning.

    23:4 1 Hypocrites for the most part are most severe exactors of those things which they themselves chiefly neglect.

    23:5 1 Hypocrites are ambitious.

    ~~~ snip ~~~

    Wow! After centuries with no Bible, this is the kind of Bible our ancestors brought with them to the new world.

  4. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    I hate to be self-serving and all but.... there isn't one of these for the Torah and Talmud is there>>>? We do all believe in the same awesome God and heaven.... we just sort of part ways when it comes to Jesus and hell is all.
  5. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member


    If you could define "these" it would be helpful as there are many different items in this thread that could be construed as "these". One may be able to answer your question better.

  6. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    FWC, Welcome and glad you found us and also found exactly what you were looking for. I could come up with a ToC but it would take some time. I would like to see what your 1599 copy looks like. Can you upload it as an attachment in a reply in this thread? Is it a purchased and proprietary version or can it be shared with others?

    If you can't upload it here, either send me a Private Message or use the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page on the forum and I'll send you an email address.

    Ultimately, I'd love to also be able to offer the 1599 version for download and would be happy to optimize it as I did with my version.
  7. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    A PDF I think. I'm not sure. I've never seen anything online with notes in the margins of a Torah or... the Talmud.
  8. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    The Geneva Bible was printed with 'margin notes' made by Calvin, Luther and others. It's like a mini commentary on each page. I'm not aware of things similar for the sacred texts of other religions. The Geneva was unique in this aspect as well as being the first time that the verses were numbered.
  9. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Ah... you all have all the "cool" stuff. (smile) Thank you for trying. Mini commentaries would have been nice.
  10. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    I searched and found some Torah/Talmud commentaries; however, some of the commentaries are quite 'liberal' in viewpoint while others are conservative. I says this as the commentary you seek should be from the branch of Judaism you follow or those which would not be so off "talmud topic" that you are led astray from your core beliefs.

    You should speak with your rabbi on this as they typically know the best commentaries for the books you are studying and you may be led to a good pdf version by them.
  11. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Reform Jews lean to the "left"..... why, I dunno... short and long term memory recall issues perhaps>>>? They're the activists the media loves to push into the limelight as if they're the spokesmen for all denominations.... they aren't although they'd have the rest of the world believing otherwise. Their numbers are declining because of intermarriages and such. Conservative and Orthodox Jews have always leaned to the right.... our numbers are increasing (smile). FYI, Conservative Judaism is not a moderate position between Orthodox and Reform Judaism. No worries about a lack of pdf "margin notes" for us.... we're pretty steadfast in our core values.... I was just sorta jealous.
  12. FWC

    FWC Monkey+

    I don't see a way to upload an attachment in a reply. Please contact me directly.
    [eff] [double you] [see] at [mindspring] dot [com]
    (is that cryptic enough for the spam bots?)

    I like to point out that the expert translator I mentioned, Nehemia Gordon, is a Jew.

    Conservative Jews of today would likely not accept marginal notes, right? The straight Torah/Talmud can speak for themselves just fine, right? The Geneva Bible margin notes fell out of favor after some time for similar reasons. Some of the doctrine was a little [should I say it?] "marginal." But for their time, they served a very good purpose. The common people were for centuries forbidden from reading the Bible in their own language. Bibles in the language of the common people were forbidden for centuries. The Geneva Bible was a forbidden book born out of persecution and bloodshed. The ruling establishment hated it. Those marginal notes were perfect for their time. They lit a fire of revival that could not be put out.

    Now I understand in those days Jews were persecuted same as the Christian "heretics", and by the same tyrants, but I don't know if the Jews have an equivalent era in their history to match this--when their ancient scriptures were "rediscovered" after being suppressed for centuries, no?

  13. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    "Now I understand in those days Jews were persecuted same as the Christian "heretics", and by the same tyrants, but I don't know if the Jews have an equivalent era in their history to match this--when their ancient scriptures were "rediscovered" after being suppressed for centuries, no?" I don't know.... you'd have to run this by somebody who recently converted. They always know more than the rest of us. Here's what I do know.... my entire family is here because of Catholics not because of Democrats.
  14. FWC

    FWC Monkey+

    Where did you go?
    I'll try a PM.
  15. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    Thank you SO MUCH for that PDF I've been looking for that for years!

    The KJV has at least 25,000 translational errors, some purposeful !
  16. Maxflax

    Maxflax Lightning in a bottle

    The jews didn't write one word of the original scrolls, since they are imposters


    Buy and read Pastor Eli James book The Great Impersonation, you can buy it from that site
  17. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

  18. Joseph Thomas

    Joseph Thomas Monkey+

  19. Equilibrium

    Equilibrium Monkey++

    Thank you for sharing your beliefs with me Maxflax and.... I do sincerely mean that. THANK YOU melbo for starting this thread. My best friend is very excited about downloading your .pdf. She began teaching CCD this year and is taking adult continuing religious education classes at her Church. The problem with your .pdf is she tells me she can't access the file to save it. Is this because she isn't registered? If so, please let me know.
  20. FWC

    FWC Monkey+

    Yes, this is true. As I said in my first post:
    "My first post at Survival Monkey. I signed up to get access to the PDF file."
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