San Francisco is not Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Texas, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, or many many other places not majority WIMPS. IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN !!!
An quite possibly would be considered REAL Suicide as well. Granted sum nut would prolly make it Assisted Suicide but still......
The environmental damage Quigley caused was much worse...all of those weapons and all of that ammo lost overboard raised the level of Lake George at least 6 inches...Oh the Horror!
Tin foil indeed! Such a statement is unacceptable and demeans both you and the elected members of Congress. It would take a declaration of a National Emergency by the President, backed by Congress to suspend the Posse Comitatus Act (18 USC &1835 The Act prohibits members of the Army from exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer powers that maintain "law and order" on non-federal property (states and their counties and municipal divisions) within the United States. Further - The statute prohibits Army and Air Force personnel and units of the National Guard under federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the Constitution or Congress. The Navy and Marine Corps are prohibited by a Department of Defense directive, not by the Act itself. The maintenance of peace, conduct of orderly elections, and prosecution of unlawful actions are all state responsibilities, pursuant to the states' primary job of exercising police power and maintaining law and order. And again, in 1976 the National Emergencies Act set a limit of two years on emergency declarations unless the president explicitly extends them, and requires the president to specify in advance which legal provisions will be invoked. However -once a State of Emergency has been declared, and sustained by a legal quorum in Congress - well then, things could dicey. O would suggest that worrying about local politics may be a better use of your time, rather something as far out as ML. YMMV
Just WHO do you think they are going to get to DO all this local Federal Enforcement?????? Remember that each and every Man in the MIlitary is ALSO a Citizen, and I know for a FACT, MANY, if not MOST, including Many of the Top Brass would not obey such an Order, without some very BIG Issues involved. They would RESIGN first. This can be seen in the Federal Troops that went to New Orleans after Katrina. Many told their Commanders, they would NOT be doing and Gun Confiscation, PERIOD, and that word went up the Line, and then it came down the Line that it was NOT their Mission, PERIOD. Most if not ALL that was done by Local and State LEOs, and was quickly adjudicated to be ILLEGAL, by the first Federal Court to hear the case. .....YMMV....
We are in a state of war, which is legally a state of emergency. Posse Comitatus has been sidelined and worked around using several Executive Orders, including but not limited to PDD 51. We have discussed this at LENGTH here on the Monkey. I recommend a serious session of research. Watch Police State 4 - Rise of Fema for every EO and PDD that have basically eliminated Posse Comitatus. I watched, and tried to refute everything claimed in that film and have, in the course of my research into the claims basically come to understand we are seriously SCREWED, now. Under invocation of PDD 51, the Congress loses all of it's power for 6 months, and the President becomes, in effect a dictator. Thank Bush Jr. for that little gem, and the Patriot Act. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA yep. It did. No more. SO solly cholly. Seriously, your information is so out of date, it is sad. Research. You are patently wrong. Congress has been removed from this. Under PDD 51, a declaration of a state of emergency by the president for ANYTHING, anywhere in the WORLD, and the President becomes a dictator, and martial law is automatic. Under PDD51, there is zero Congressional oversight on any Presidential decision for at the minimum of 6 months. Your mileage apparently does vary. You need to do some more research. Get some up to date info. It helps. Here is some nice stuff to research: Executive Order 10995 - Authorizes Governmental Seizure of ALL communications media in the US Executive Order 10997 - Authorizes Governmental Seizure of ALL Electrical power, fuels, minerals, public or private Executive Order 10999 - Authorizes Governmental Seizure of ALL means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks, or vehicles of ANY kind, gives total control of all highways, seaports, and waterways. Executive Order 11000 - Authorizes Governmental Seizure of ALL American people for work forces under Federal supervision, including splitting families if needed. Executive Order 11001 - Authorizes Governmental Seizure of ALL health, education, and welfare facilities, public and private. Executive Order 11002 - Authorizes Postmaster General to register all men, women, and children in the US. Executive Order 11003 - Authorizes Governmental seizure of all airports and aircraft. Executive Order 11004 - Authorizes Governmental seizure of all housing and finance authorities, to establish forced relocation areas designated as "unsafe" . (This little gem was signed by JFK in 1962) Executive Order 11005 - Authorizes Governmental seizure of all railways, inland waterways, and storage facilities, public or private. Here is a nice kicker: Executive Order 12919 - Authorizes, encompasses, and continues all of the above Executive Orders. Did I mention continues them? This EO was signed on June 3, 1994 by Bill Clinton. No President since has rescinded his EO. Add to these, the Presidential Directive Decree #51 (PDD 51), signed by George W. Busch which is as follows: Presidential Directive 51 The President has, right now, the ability in the case of a “National Emergency” (declared by him, entirely at his discretion) to take direct control of ALL branches of government. This would very literally make him, by definition, a dictator. Not only would Congress loose all power, but they could be dismissed by the president, and all decisions would be made directly by the president, with no oversight and no checks on powers. There is not limit… no limit… to what the presidential powers would include. A “National Emergency” could include a terrorist attack, a blackout, a hurricane or other natural disaster, or anything else the president says is a national emergency, regardless of what state it occurs in, and would be enough for the president to take over the government. This is a law. It is on the books. The president could decide to cancel elections, he could decide whatever he wants.
Falcon is right in this. The orders are there. But this is not an Obama scheme this has been going on since Reagon's days under the REX84 program headed by Ollie North. The continuity of government is fully entrenched and legalized in our system and can be activated under any pretense of "National Security". Has it ever been? No. Will it ever be? Let's pray not. Is it possible? You better believe it is. Who will and will not follow what would be "legal" orders is another question. But the apparatus is there to effectively take unfettered control of our country in a time of "crises". This is the essence of "Conspiracy theory". Not are "they" planning to take over, but could they. Is it possible? CT in my opinion is less of a "look out the sky is falling" and more a "hey, look up there, this could be a problem."
But wasn't returning to the 1930s gun fights on the streets until people had enough it what "Fast and Furious" was trying to set up?
If that crap were to ever be implemented the streets will run red with with the blood of tyrants,and patriots alike. If I have to wade through that river of blood to reach the path to freedom.SO BE IT!!But DC will become a smoldering pile of rubble,if Me,and others of like mind have to travel that sorrid path!! Matt