Don't kill people or babies. - All lives matter. Protect the constitution. Immigration is a distraction, annex everything down to the panama canal and make them states. Don't pollute if you can help it. Low energy consumption makes going off grid easier. The corona virus is real, wear a mask or don't, your personal health is your responsibility. Trump is better than Hillary but not as good as Rand Paul or Ben Carson. Waste not want not. Airport Security should be the responsibility of the airport and airlines not .GOV. Lobbying is bribery and should be illegal. All gun laws are unconstitutional. Maybe a 7 or 8?
Do you think 4-5's lack commitment? is that your issue with middle of the road? im definitely a 4-5 on the political banter. Not because I dont care but because i dont like propaganda and all of the mainstream media is propaganda no matter which side you are on. However don't be foolish enough to mistake my 4-5 rating on this as lack of commitment. I watch actions.... who is taking what actions... not the verbal BS. Im not a huge Trump fan. His demeanor is fairly undignified but I voted for him because the alternative was unpalatable. I am still waiting for Trump to take some action that matters. So I watch his memo's and the legislation. Right now I really read the Executive Orders and think about their implications. Many of his EO wont dribble down to us, the common people, until almost the end of his term in office. (yes it takes government a long time to set policy and act on it. Not a bad thing in my opinion). Some of those EO will improve the economy and many of them will clean the swamp. The real issue is he has to show dramatic action between now and the election if he wants to win. Unfortunately many things he has put in place the next administration will take credit for because government moves slowly. Just like Clinton took credit for a great economy that Reagan's policies enacted. Whoever follows Trump will get credit for the economy as it will be a year from now. This slow grind is why i dont get too excited about politics or rhetoric. And that doesnt mean im not a 4-5 on many things nor do I lack commitment. Follow the paper, follow the money and you will see where it leads.
I believe in substance over style. If you compare Biden with Trump and your in the middle (5) your not paying attention. There is a clear choice in directions (180 degrees). Nuff said.