What if... You, and your family of four, choose to move to a 50 acre piece of unimproved land to better your chances of survival in an...
I just spent a long weekend in Florida. Looking back, I do not believe I would have survived had an EMP or collapse happened. While there I...
What if... Your income stops and you do not have anything but your savings. No CD's, No investments, no IRA, just a bank savings account of...
There are many threads discussing various shelters from grain bins to bivy tent and lean-to temporary shelters. I know I can get something up to...
If I had my way and the funds to do so, I would own several axes. I envision a time when there is no fuel for my chainsaw and splitter, a time...
been reading this guy for awhile now... perhaps others have too... calls himself Mountain Gorilla... some of what he says may be helpful......
A list of the 2 titles included in the .zip file: Flint_Steel_And_Battery.pdf (?) The_Hand_Drill-Fire_Starting_Technique.pdf (?) [IMG]
A list of the 4 titles included in the .zip file: How_To_Find_Your_Way.pdf (2006) Map_Reading_&_Land_Navigation.pdf (2005)...
A list of the 3 titles included in the .zip file: 15_Essentials_In_Every_Bug_Out_Bag.pdf (2014) BOV_(Bug_Out_Vehicle)_Basics.pdf (?)...
A list of the 7 titles included in the .zip file: 14_Tips_For_Staying_Calm_During_A_Disaster.pdf (?) 20_Common_Survival_Items.pdf (2016)...
A list of the 2 titles included in the .zip file: How_To_Survive_An_Economic_Collapse.pdf (2013)...
A list of the 5 titles included in the .zip file: Biological_&_Chemical_Terrorism.pdf (2002) Emergency_Response_To_Terrorism.pdf (1997)...
PSD-F-61-8_Below Ground New Construction Clay Masonry Shelter (1962) [img]
PSD-F-61-7_Above Ground Earth Covered Lumber A-Frame Shelter (Part 7 of 8) [img]
PSD-F-61-6_Below Ground Corrugated Steel Culvert Shelter (Part 6 of 8) [img]
PSD-F-61-5_Below Ground Corrugated Steel Culvert Shelter (Part 5 of 8) [img]
PSD-F-61-4_Outside Semimounded Plywood Box Shelter (Part 4 of 8) [img]
PSD-F-61-3_Basement Concrete Block Shelter. (Part 3 of 8) [img]
PSD-F-61-2_Basement Corrugated Asbestos Cement Lean-To Shelter (Part 2 of 8) [img]
PSD-F-61-1_Family Shelter Designs (Part 1 of 8) This Handbook contains instructions for building eight types of family fallout shelters. The...
I do consider myself quite a beginner prepper with a bit of food and water stockpiled, as well as an emergency kit, but I have been seeing more...
Hey guys, if you are like me and enjoy watching the realms of survivalists doing their thing on YouTube you might like to check out this list I...
Hello, my post-apocalyptic survival novel was just published. Here is the blurb: Nista is nine months pregnant, starving, and living in a cave....
Just got a new book up. Science fiction and survival. Paperback is at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/198026130X/?tag=survivalmonke-20 And the...
After nearly 11 years in the service I finally received my Medical Seperation due to an injury incurred on deployment in 2013. Started getting...
Attempted to start a fire using the bow drill method, this was my first ever attempt using friction to start a fire!!!! Any of you start fires...
[IMG] Every year, cold weather injuries claim countless people who ventured into the unforgiving elements unprepared and untrained. Don’t be one...
As in the movie The Edge, or The Grey, the small blue grey twin engine plane you are sole surviving passenger in goes down in the middle of snow...
The great Cascadia earthquake’s being called the worst natural disaster to hit North America, and it hasn’t happened yet. Geologists say it’s...
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Add armed robbery to the threats facing hikers this year on the Pacific Crest Trail. A section of the popular trail running...
Separate names with a comma.