Milspec lanterns

Coleman and other Milspec lanterns


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hot diggity, Jun 27, 2022
    • hot diggity
      Most of the ones I repaired in the field looked like they'd been lit on fire, went full fireball, and were then kicked around the tent like a soccer ball. Most had been fueled with Mogas and were so completely blackened and full of old mantles and matches that the only light they would've emitted would be through the holes in the vent...maybe.

      (MoGas - Motor Gasoline. To distinguish it from Avgas.) MoGas was our issue gasoline when we still has M151's, mechanical Mules and later the Dodge M880. The joke, that nobody laughed at, was that it was like regular gas with some water added to make "Mo gas." I think it had about the same octane as CF. This lack of performance was a very effective strategy to keep anybody but one old crusty Master Gunnery Sergeant from putting it in their car.
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