Hirschhorn Rayo conversion

German import conversion mantle burners for Standard Oli Company Rayo base.


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hot diggity, Apr 10, 2024
    • hot diggity
      AIDA was the brand of Hirschhorn AG Berlin. In 1926, Hirschhorn, together with Ehrich & Graetz (Petromax), Continental-Licht and Hugo Schneider (HASAG), advanced the development of carburetor lamps and built pressure gas lamps.
      In 1928, the brand name AIDA was bought by Ehrich & Graetz - newly founded "AIDA Gesellschaft".
      After World War II, lamps of the brand AIDA were manufactured at Graetz parallel and structurally identical to the Petromax lamps on the same machines. The lamps differed only in the lettering.
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