Image | Title | Text |
Smile | :) (: :-) :smile: :icon_smile: | |
Wink | ;) [wink1] <wink> :wink: [big wink] | |
Frown | :( [frown] | |
Mad | :mad: >:( :@ [mad] [pssd] [KW] [soapbox] | |
Cool | :cool: 8-) [cool] [COOL] | |
Stick Out Tongue | :p :P :-p :-P :)/ | |
Big Grin | :D :biggrin: [biggrin] [mrgreen] :mrgreen: :image039: [relieved] | |
Eek! | :eek: :o :eek [faint] [eek] | |
Oops! | :oops: :O [embarassed] :icon_redface: | |
Roll Eyes | :rolleyes: Rolleyes 3 :roll: [shakehead] | |
Er... what? | o_O O_o o.O O.o :** [lookaround] [huh] | |
Cautious | :cautious: | |
Censored | :censored: [think_covermouth] [censor] | |
Coffee | :coffee: | |
Crying | :cry: [cry] [crybaby] | |
Laugh | :LOL: | |
Whistling | :whistle: [whistle] | |
Love | :love: [dancingblowkiss] [kiss] | |
Sick | :sick: [puke] | |
Sleep | :sleep: | |
Sneaky | :sneaky: [nogood] [bad] [smirk] | |
Thumbs Up | (y) [wave] [y] | |
Thumbs Down | (n) [n] [dialupsucks] | |
Unsure | :unsure: [ugh] :-| [hypocrite] | |
Animated / Extra |
LMAO | [LMAO] | |
tinfoil | [tf] | |
Sarcasm1 | [sarc1] | |
Sarcasm2 | [sarc2] | |
awesomework | [winkthumb] [thumb] [winkt] [wink2] | |
hug | [hug} [hug] | |
Moto | [Moto] [moto] [m] | |
sheep | [sheep] | |
shtf | [shtf] | |
group hug | [grouphug] | |
big group hug | [biggrouphug] [bgh] [bighug] | |
woot | [woot] [drunkscape] | |
GR | [GR] | |
blah | :blah: [blah] | |
bananadance | [touchdown] | |
bowdown | [bow] | |
kissit | [kissit] | |
patrol | [patr] | |
gasmask | [gasmask] [gasmask2] | |
finger | [finger] | |
violin | [violin] | |
firedevil | [reddevil] | |
nutkick | [nutkick] 0eye | |
lolol | [lolol] | |
viking | [viking] | |
icon_peep | [peep] [hiding] | |
fart | [fart] | |
anim_lol | :lol: [lol] [LOL] | |
wannamesswithme | [wannamesswitme] [fight] | |
pokeowned | [own2] | |
image1082 | [hrt] | |
image1047 | [fnny] | |
dontfeedmods | [feedmods] | |
ChopperEmo | [chopper] | |
lock | [lock] [locked] | |
bolt | [gone] [burnrubber] | |
bangdesk | [banghead] | |
icon_newbie | [newb] | |
yousuck | [oops] | |
16878235-Ti | [AH] | |
gfight | [grlft] | |
tinfoilhat_101 | [tinfoil101] | |
3drunks | [boozingbuddies] [3drunks] [drunks] | |
ditto | [ditto] | |
image1268 | [micro] | |
hurricanewavey3_1 | hga | |
angelsad | [angelsad] | |
notworking | [notworking] | |
Drudge_Siren_Small | [siren] [dot] | |
owned3 | [own] | |
smiley_afro | [afro] | |
diespam | [nospam] | |
M16 | [m16] [M16] [AR] [AR15] [ar15] | |
YDs Gun | [YD] [yd] [gat] | |
image234 | [respect] | |
pregnant | [pregnant] | |
werd | [werd] | |
ohnoz | ohno | |
yukface | [yukface] [yuck] | |
smiley_govtThug | [camo] [scuba] | |
giveup | [whiteflag] | |
hitit | [IHI] | |
battingeyes | [bateye] | |
banana | b:: | |
jakeandelwood | [bluesbrothers] | |
eek2 | :shock: :eek2: [eek2] | |
jacksparrow2 | [js] [JS] | |
rotflmao | [roflmao] | |
slow | [slow] | |
tytyty | [tytyty] | |
image759 | [alien] | |
offtopic | [OT] | |
fixed | [fixedthanks] | |
sinking | [sinking] [drowning] | |
moved | [moved] | |
iamwithstupid | [imwithstupid1] | |
upskirt | [CRC] | |
pc_coffee | [ghrit] [busy] | |
image818 | [contract] | |
canofworms | [cow] | |
image1129 | [nk] | |
image1629 | [booze] | |
popcorn | [pop] | |
flash | :flash: [flash] | |
image1219 | [fight2] | |
doh | [doh] | |
pimp | [melbo] [pimp] | |
image391 | [aiw] | |
yelclap | [clp] | |
stirpot | [stirpot] | |
nana | [raspberry] | |
image1304 | [flm] [flame] | |
nono1 | [nono] [nono2] | |
image219 | [plz] | |
image1611 | [cof] | |
banplz | [banplz] [banned2] [banned] | |
image103 | [soap] | |
bandito | [mex] | |
monkeyeat | [monkeyeating] | |
twocents | [2c] | |
do_it | [do-it] | |
drool | [drooling] [drool] | |
image1228 | [gun] [gun3] | |
dilemma | seesaw | |
haay | [haay] [gay] | |
image1499 | [beat] | |
image099 | [flush] | |
screwy | [loco] | |
icon_gun | [stayback] | |
image1257 | [axe] | |
evil | :evil: | |
flag | [flag] | |
icon_smile_question | :?: | |
smiley_troll | [troll] | |
looksharp | [looksharp] | |
smash | [smsh] | |
whipp | [whipem] | |
taser | [taser1] taser2 | |
anyone | [dunno] [darnredx] | |
rant | [rnt] | |
lies | [alllies] | |
lies2 | [lies] [lies2] [alllies2] | |
rockon | [rockon] | |
smiley_drinkcoffee | [coffee2] | |
NO | [no] | |
foshizzle | [shiz] | |
deadhorse | [deadhorse] | |
image192 | [phone] | |
dancindevil | [dancindevil] | |
image191 | [yack] | |
stoner | [stoner] | |
bedtime | [bedtime] [verytired] | |
comfort | [cmfrt] | |
bestpost | [bestpost] | |
M249SAW | [sawgunner] | |
freedom | [freedom] | |
image1248 | [gun2] | |
applaud | [applaud] | |
angel | [angel] | |
icon_beer | [beer] | |
Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey | [FF] [licker] | |
toungeavatart | [tng2] [tng] | |
pilot | [sniper66] | |
Elk | [elk] [rocky] [ELK] [ROCKY] | |
bitcoin | [btc] | |
Bitcoin2 | [btc2] | |
welcome2 | [welcomeLG] | |
OTC meds | [OTC] [OTC_meds] | |
bsflag | [BSf] | |
icon_worthless | [worthless] | |
bowkneelsuckers | [kneelsuckers] | |
MG | [MG] | |
chicken | [chicken] | |
Camping & Outdoors |
camping | [camping] | |
Cold Fire | [coldfire] | |
Stacked wood | [stacked] | |
Tree Cutter | [treecutter] | |
campfire | [campfire] | |
marshmallow | [marshmallow] | |
snowmobile | [sled] | |
sled2 | [sled2] | |
Monkeys |
biglaugh_ma | biglaff | |
ooh_m | [OO] | |
tongue_ma | [tongue] | |
hissyfit_m | hissyfit | |
eek_ma | [eek3] | |
mad_m | maddd | |
no_ma | NO!! | |
confused_ma | foosed [confused] :confused: | |
coo_mal | [coo] [COO] | |
shocked_ma | [shoked] :shocked: [shocked] | |
See No Evil | [seeno] | |
Hear No Evil | [hearno] | |
Say No Evil | [sayno] | |
Smiling Poo | [poo] | |
Food and Beverage |
pizza | [pizza] [PIZZA] | |
Slice of Pizza | [slice] | |
Bacon | [bacon] | |
tea | [tea] [teacup] | |
Tea 2 | [tea2] [teacup2] | |
Coffee | [coffee] [coffee3] | |
taco | [taco] | |
tacos | [tacos] | |
cupcake | [cupcake] | |
burrito | [burrito] | |
burrito2 | [burrito2] | |
Seasonal |
turkey | [turkey] [thanksgiving] | |
pumpkin | [pumpkin] | |
Jack-O-Lantern | [jack-o-lantern] [halloween] | |
birthday cake | [cake] [birthday] [birthdaycake] [birthday_cake] | |
Xmas Tree | [tree] [xmas_tree] [christmas] [christmas_tree] | |
Ratings |
0 Stars | :0s: | |
1/2 Stars | :0.5s: | |
1 Star | :1s: | |
1 1/2 Stars | :1.5s: | |
2 Stars | :2s: | |
2 1/2 Stars | :2.5s: | |
3 Stars | :3s: | |
3 1/2 Stars | :3.5s: | |
4 Stars | :4s: | |
4 1/2 Stars | :4.5s: | |
5 Stars | :5s: | |
Flags |
US flag | [US] [us] | |
gadsden | [gadsden] [dont_tread_on_me] [donttreadonme] | |
USAF | [usaf] [USAF] | |
USN | [usn] [USN] | |
USMC | [USMC] [usmc] | |
US Coast Guard | [USCG] [uscg] [coast_guard] | |
US Army | [US_Army] [us_army] [army] | |
Salute | [salute] | |
pirate flag | [pirate] [jolly_roger] [jollyroger] |