I wanted to try bushel gourds too but opted for luffa and birdhouse. Grown both before, gonna let them grow up a dead tree that's off to the side. Really want to try dragonfruit too but again, too cold to overwinter here so yet another I gotta bring inside.
After the potatoes were almost done, there was a few open spots in them. I planted Sweet potatoes in them. Well, dug up the regular taters & tilled those areas flat. An holy crap I thought sweet taters must have a lil bit of kudzu in them!! About 8 lil sweet tater slips grew to cover the entire area that had been my tater section of the garden!!!
Got totally wild last spring and planted those Asian all white turnips........ All I discovered was I like my good old purple tops more than them. That is about as wild I need to get
Had a friend from my old legion post , said he was gonna plant some Russian tomatoes,, said they were all white ,, I haven't seen him in probably 5years at least ,, does anybody know about these white 'maters ???
I never could grow tomatoes when I smoked. Just harvesting the first tomatoes would kill the plant. I even tried wearing gloves but it did not help. They all died, every year.
After hurricane Hugo in 89 bacterial wilt got in the soil and every variety I tried would get to the point of having tomatoes and then over night the plants would wilt and die. Finally found one variety resistant (Neptune) which does well out of the 30+ plants I plant I may loose 1 or 2. It is some sort of bacteria that has a tail and can move through the soil especially if the soil is wet. Maybe bacterial wilt is your problem very common in the south if your in the south try Neptune
After talking it over w/the DW, this year, zukes are out and sweet spuds are in. Also going to plant red, white and blue potatoe varieties Should have enough for a decent 4th of July salad..
I had a WTF moment then remembered it also stands for Dear Wife. Debating on planting purple sweet taters.
I know it's not all that exciting, but I'm going to try to grow red onions, this year. I recently relocated (temporarily) from north central TX, up to western NY (new career, and it brings me closer to friends, family and my sweetheart). While there's much I love about gardening in Texas, the longer summer days in NY should allow me to finally be able to grow some red onions.....something I just can't do down south. Thinking I'm also going to be trying my hand at some hydroponics, over the winter, indoors.