Water Storage Container FAQ V2.5

Discussion in 'Survival Articles' started by survivalmonkey, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. The_Prepared

    The_Prepared Derpy Monkey

    If it's a helpful update to this topic, I spent a bunch of time reviewing small emergency water containers. The winner for most people was the Reliance Rhino, and the upgrade pick is the Scepter USGI cans.
    john316 likes this.
  2. john316

    john316 Monkey+++

    very good read

    THEY “ spent 34 hours researching and testing all of the popular small containers to find the best one for emergency water storage”


    20 links for more information

    Looking for water filters? THEY reviewed over 70 of the top survival water filters for preppers.


    a very good site

    I spent hours there

    …...more hours later
  3. Nikita

    Nikita On Hiatus Banned

    I understand that dealing with technology and uploading pictures can sometimes be frustrating, especially if the terms used are not familiar. Let's break it down into simpler steps:

    Connect Your Camera to Your Computer:
    - Use the cable that came with your camera to connect it to your computer.
    - Make sure your camera is turned on and set to the mode for transferring files.
    Identify Your Computer's Operating System:
    - Are you using Windows or Mac? This can affect the steps you need to take.
    Locate Your Camera in File Explorer (Windows) or Finder (Mac):
    - After connecting your camera, your computer should recognize it.
    - On Windows, open File Explorer and look for your camera under "This PC" or "Computer."
    - On Mac, open Finder and check for your camera in the Devices section.
    Copy or Move Your Pictures:
    - Once you've located your camera, you should see folders containing your pictures.
    - Copy (Ctrl+C on Windows, Command+C on Mac) or Move the pictures to a location on your computer.
    Upload to a Website or Application:
    - If you want to share your pictures online, go to the website or application where you want to upload them (e.g., social media, email).
    - Look for an option to upload or attach files.
    - Navigate to the folder on your computer where you copied your pictures and select them.
    Follow On-Screen Instructions:
    - The website or application will usually guide you through the uploading process.
    - It may ask you to choose the files you want to upload and click on an "Upload" or "Submit" button.

    Remember, it's okay not to be a computer wizard. Take your time, and if you encounter terms you don't understand, feel free to ask for clarification. Patience is key, and once you get the hang of it, uploading pictures will become more straightforward.
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    This beach is right in my neighborhood.
    Uploaded by: Alanaana, Apr 27, 2024, 0 comments, in album: Alana's_Adventures
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