If a person can change a mag in 3 seconds, what really is the difference b/w a 20 and 30 rnd magazine? Robert A. Levy on gun rights after Newtown shooting - The Washington Post
I read a story last week that stated it took the average person 3 seconds to change out a mag. If I was set on creating havoc and not worrying about collecting my used mag, a turn of the wrist and my mag disappears and another slid in. The pause in chatter from the 20 rnd to the 30 rnd wouldn't be noticeable.
The answers are often historical.. During the early part of the American Revolution, they (us) faced the Brits and got slaughtered. So the good old boys of the era went to what they knew how to do. As the Brits began their journey "home" after the slaughter; they were introduced to (modern term) sniper fire. On the frontier, when they heard shooting; they went to help their neighbors. I am not advocating anything except a historical discussion of American History.
These stupid feel good politicians are beating a dead horse that if we comply will get a whole lot of us killed. . Thousands of Guns Confiscated & Destroyed in Australia Results in More Crime . England’s Crime Rate Nearly Four Times Higher than United States . So my feelings on the subject are the same as long dead Charles Heston's were. They can have them when they pry them from my cold dead hands. God pity the fool that trys to take them before then.
I figure they will make a big political show of it then end up going for something very similar to the brady bill again.
Say what you want but I'll bet dollars to dognuts they are gonna go for broke on this one. This is Soviet style one party rule in action. This is NOT government: It's gonna get scary quick.
well some news reports I've bee reading have been saying local LEO departments are running low on bullets. So there is a fair chance if they come the patriots will be better supplied.
That sounds like I royal Ruse to me..Sir.. Most Gov Type will drive on empty& the oil light ON, knowing it's someone else's dollar they will demand . They would never show there hand.