Horse Hockey. I can recite the call to prayer in Arabic, and I'm certainly not a Muslim. This is a collection of clips and sound bites put together by someone who needs to grow up and get over the fact that a man of mixed race was elected to the presidency of the United States. That is ninety per cent of the problem that most Obama haters have with the man. If someone doesn't want to vote for the man, then they shouldn't vote for him because of all of the crappy policy decisions he's made. There's no need to make up stuff about him. I swear that just when I thought politics couldn't get stupider, along comes Obama as a presidential candidate, and over the past five years or so the nuts have really came out of the woodwork. The last several presidents and presidential candidates that we've been presented with have left me utterly disillusioned with the entire American political system. If these knuckleheads are the best that both parties can put forward to run our nation, we need to gut both parties and start over. Clinton had the morals of one of my tom cats, Bush was as clever as a pair of my old loafers, Obama is as qualified to be president as any one of my high school teachers, and Romney is a joke. We don't need to make up lies and innuendo about people of this caliber. Just telling the truth should be damning enough.
I am sure that, as a staunch supporter of free speech and the sanctity of private property, if a neighbor across the street from you put up large signs casting aspersions and slanderous remarks about your spouse or mother, that they would remain in place in perpetuity. I am sure that one dark night something unfortunate would not happen to those signs, since they are the private property of another. I am also sure that you would in no way visit violence upon said neighbor, respecting his right to free speech as you do. I don't think most non-Muslims can appreciate how personally these slights to the prophet are taken by Muslims. I'm not saying that violence is the appropriate response, but I can appreciate the anger. If you were to cross over to the neighbor's house and split his skull with a bat, for making his very public aspersions, a court of law would not find it to be an appropriate response, but I, at least, would appreciate and understand your anger. I think you're a good guy, but I think you have a bias against Islam that no amount of dialogue is going to overcome, and as a result, I don't think you can provide a truly genuine response to any subject involving Islam. If you want to find reasons to condemn Islam, many so called Muslims are making it ridiculously easy for you to do so; but just as I fell into the trap of actively seeking out only the bad stories about Christianity for my essay, I believe that you are in the same trap.
As the fight lasted 5 hours, Naval air could have lit them up until Spectre arrived. The Consulate would have had communications, SEALs would know how to control aircraft. It is a pity 0bama lacks the backbone for the job. Although they have met Blu-82, they haven't met MOAB, yet. Daisy cutters were used in Vietnam to create an instant artillery FSB to support an infantry battalion or CID-G camp. Historically, it appears Special Operations uses them more than RA.
*You're wrong. If the sign went goes up. I know that people would think my neighbor is a kook. I learned from an early age about "sticks and stones." I have no use for chivalry (defending a maiden's honor). **That's my point. It's a huge character flaw: millions of people have been brainwashed into accepting that it's OK to kill for someone's opinion about a religion (religion = faith about which you cannot prove). You don't see Buddhists with the same flaw. I'm certainly not going to kill my neighbor for a sign. *** I have no bias against more than I have against Christianity. I'm just pointing out what I see as the hypocrisy of millions. Let me ask you: at what point can you say that the bad parts of a religion ARE or BECOME the religion. Put another way, if you have 100 people who believe A and 90 of them twist and pervert most parts of A to become something other than A, say A', when do we say that A is no longer A, but now A'? Why do we not have any Buddhist bashing threads? China kicks their a$$ all the time. Why??
* My apologies then. You're a better man than I gave you credit for. ** I'm still on record as being against killing someone for religious reasons. *** More Christians in this nation are killed by Christians than by Muslims, yet I haven't seen you attacking this Christian on Christian violence. You mention the persecution of the Tibetan Buddhists by the Chinese, but I don't see post after post attacking the Chinese culture. When you spoke of the Chinese, you didn't use the derogatory "chinks." The moment someone slaps a label on another population group, be it "Fundies," "Slopes," "Wetbacks," "Porch Monkeys," "Ragheads," or "Muzzies," they have lost objectivity. Every word that comes from their mouth or keyboard concerning that population group must, from that moment forward, be treated with a degree of skepticism. Whenever a person pushes another group into the spotlight by repeatedly posting negative stories, jokes, or anecdotes about them, they have demonstrated a lack of objectivity regarding that group. Lack of objectivity equals "bias." We all have our biases. I personally am biased against stupid people. I see them on the roads every day (Anyone in front of me, not going as fast as I want to go is stupid. Anyone behind me, wanting to go faster than I am going, is an idiot. Or so it seems at least.) I grew up in the south, in a white family where no one admitted to be racist and, to a person, they didn't believe that they were (okay, I had a brother in law who admitted it). I brought the subject up one time in answer to the question - Why didn't I move back to my home town when I got out of the service. I said that it was a relief not to deal with the constant racial tension and racism that I found in my little home town. My parents, and several aunts responded immediately and loudly that they had experienced no racial tension there since they were children. Then they talked among themselves for a bit about the last time they remembered a black man being lynched in the area, and then started giving me personal testimonials. My father said something to the effect of "There's nothing wrong with black people, as long as they keep to themselves, I've got no problem with them. Now, all of this mixing, I think that's wrong." My mother immediately spoke up and said, don't you remember that Thanksgiving when we invited your little black friend to dinner. He sat right there at that table just like the rest of us. Don't tell me I'm a racist." One of my aunts chimed in, "I bake a cake for my negro garbage man every year for Christmas, and last year, I even let him come in the house to get it." At this point, I was trying hard not to fall out of my chair and roll on the floor. Everyone of them were good people, and everyone of them would tell you that racism was wrong, and everyone of them would deny to their dying day being racist; but then there was reality. Biases are a normal part of the human psyche. But if we are to have an honest discussion, we have to at least admit that the bias exists. To do otherwise is disingenuous. So good on you for not bashing your neighbor with a bat. I can't say I'd be that forgiving. As to the bias though, hmmm.......
But, are the Christians killing other Christians BECAUSE of the religion, like the Sunnis and Shiites in Libya? I guess one could argue that the death penalty sits in here somewhere, but, I don't think that's what you're talking about. I was referencing the country "China," as in "the Chinese govt.," not the chinks who live there. Hey, I've already admitted that I'm a behaviorist: I don't care what your race, sex, or religion is, it's the behavior that is most important. I don't have a problem with Islam or Muslims...unless they want to harm me for no reason or push their views on me--I have my beliefs, you have your, just don't cut my head off because I disagree with you. I leave everyone alone, I expect the same (Golden Rule #1). Likewise, I don't get bent out of shape at every PC infraction and translate that into some imagined bias ("I love Jap bikes" doesn't mean you hate the Japanese...poor manners or taste doesn't mean you hate that group).
Well, we may not ever reach a resolution on this point, but that's okay. I'm at least sure that we've helped a section of the national economy - American brewers - through our discussion of the subject, because I know more than one person reading the exchange has said, "For Christ's sake, I need a beer!" f'ing spineless....this will be the downfall of this county: worrying about hurting people's feelings via 'white guilt.'
Incite or provoke violence? Great, we are all screwed. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ Don't Tread on Me Death before Dishonor I'll give you my gun from my cold dead hands Kill them all, let God sort them out. Or, how about this for provoking the populace. NDAA 2011/12 Agenda 21 TSA security either microwaving your family jewels or fondling them (you choice) Stop and Frisk Ordering you to produce ID eventhough you not operating a motor vehicle .... Yeppers, We are soooooo screwed. seriously though. A is still a no matter their race, religion or political affiliation.
NYC is out of control. Again they are rewarding violent behavior. A common sense golden rule is you don't reward bad behavior unless you want more bad behavior. The PC nonsense in parts of this country. So now they won't put up a advertisement that suggest jihadi's are savages (Duh) but NYC does nothing to stop someone from deeply insulting Christians or other groups of people.