You know a Storm's brewin...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CRC, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. CRC

    CRC Survivor of Tidal Waves | RIP 7-24-2015 Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Started to put it in Jokes and Humor...but it just ain't funny round these parts....

    (well...WE laugh...we just don't want YOU laughin' at it....) ;)

    10. Your friend at Home Depot tells you she did $16,000 on her register alone.

    9. Jim Cantore walks into the bar you are drinking in with a camera crew and starts asking you questions.

    8. The hallway in your apartment complex beomes a scooter parking zone.

    7. Every one of your friends carries a printed copy of the latest report from NOAA.

    6. You ask to see it , even though you have your own copy in your back pocket.

    5. Going over to a friends house for BBQ and drinks is now called a hurricane party.

    4. You start to get text messages from your friends up in the world wishing you " good luck".

    3. CVS is handing out free ice cream.

    2. The only people on Duval are locals, TV crews, and a handfull of tourist.

    1. The only reason you are still watching the news after four hours of continueous storm coverage is to hear the announcers say something stupid like " As nighttime approaches visiability will be poor once it becomes dark. "
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