Yoders-meats sale ends today, 2/25

Discussion in 'Buy Sell Trade' started by JC Refuge, Feb 23, 2014.

  1. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

    Food prices, especially meats, are reaching record levels and they aren't expected to reverse course at any point in the foreseeable future. We could provide several news links on this, but in the interest of brevity, we'll leave you with just this one from Friday at the Wall Street Journal's Marketwatch site: Tomorrow's hamburger may cost as much as today's steak. Beef prices expected to rise through 2016

    As your luck would have it, we still have time left on the special savings we negotiated with our distributor on all Yoders meats. Until Feb. 25, 2014, (or while supplies last), all our Yoders listings, to include the famous Yoders Bacon, is discounted. If you are a buyers club member, that gets you a total of 29%-off!

    See all our long-term storage meats here and get invested in your future.


    Sorry--more bad news if you are a coffee drinker ... From Business Insider on Thursday: Coffee is about to get more expensive

    There is only one way to effectively store coffee for the long haul ... that is, as green coffee beans in vacuum sealed cans. We've got it for you, at member discounted pricing--inventory is very limited at this price.

    Last edited: Feb 25, 2014
  2. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

  3. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

  4. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

  5. JC Refuge

    JC Refuge Emergency Essentials Store Vendor

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