Mosby Winter Warfare Considerations, part 18

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Dec 30, 2023.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++
    Motor Vehicle and Equipment Operator Considerations
    It is an eternal meme in preparedness circles that we all simply must have a “bug out vehicle” of the internal combustion engine variety. While I’ve heard people express the idea that this is a result of the Mad Max post-apocalypse movies of the 1980s, I tend to believe instead it is simply a result of normalcy bias and the prevalence of the automobile in our daily lives. The idea that people might not be able to have the convenience of simply driving wherever they want is entirely too far outside the comfort zone of most to allow them to consider anything else.
    There are a number of serious issues with this, of course, in a post-grid world, with lack of available fuel and other POL (Petroleum, Oil, Lubricant) class material support being among the least important of those. The overriding issues can be even more extreme in winter conditions of course, and those of us who live in the snow zones are—or should be—aware of them. Too often, those who live in “snow zones” in built-up areas actually are not actually aware of those issues because of the ease with which they find transportation due to regular road maintenance through winter.

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