Mosby Winter Warfare Considerations, Part 11

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, May 22, 2023.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    (Some readers have commented on the apparent poor timing of starting this series a few months ago, just as spring was a-springin’. Ironically, as I write this today, in early May, we have snow coming down in adequate amounts that visibility outside is limited to less than 200 yards, and the temperatures have dropped into the low-20s, in the middle of the day. For those of us who live in actual cold weather environments, winter lasts a lot longer than elsewhere.

    Second to that, if you’re a suburbanite in the northern tier of states, who doesn’t spend much time outside, especially in winter, chances are, a lot of the specific training and equipment needed for winter security operations, and even legitimate, long-term winter survival, are not things you’re likely to have. It takes time to acquire it, so by writing this at the end of winter, I’m giving you all of spring, summer, and autumn to get prepared for next winter. It may not seem like it, as temperatures are rising, and grass is turning green, and trees are starting to blossom, but—to borrow a popular phrase—“winter is coming.”)

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