Why do liberals hate science so much?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, May 7, 2018.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy


    It must be nice walking through life believing that the paradise the founders built here in North America is the natural state of man, and that we can therefore forgo the difficult and dangerous tasks associated with defending it. But some of us don’t have the luxury of illusions. We know that peace and civilization are not the natural state of man, and that the black swan events that we have somehow convinced ourselves could never happen do happen with startling regularity. And this is why you should buy guns and ammunition.

    Specifically, you should own, at a minimum, a modern semiautomatic rifle like an AR-15 that is simple to operate, easily accessorized for the individual user, reliable, and rugged. Liberals call these “assault rifles,” though they are not. Insisting that liberals be accurate when describing what they seek to ban is “gunsplaining,” a heinous macroaggression that is right up there with assuming someone’s gender on the Big List O’ Liberal Sins.

    If you don't agree with me, you clearly hate science. Why do liberals hate science so much?

    But it is science – the math is clear that chaos is in the cards, and you better be ready. As BJ Campbell writes in his brilliant article The Surprisingly Solid Mathematical Case of the Tin Foil Hat Gun Prepper (Or, “Who Needs an AR-15 Anyway?”)thank you Kathy Shaidle for the pointer! – we already face a significant chance of significant upheaval in the near future even before we factor in the kind of attacks on the rule of law and on citizen sovereignty that we're currently seeing from the left and their Fredocon appeaser pals.
    We are watching a real-time elite coup to undo the election. Our rights to free speech, freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms are under vicious attack by liberals and their cultural and corporate cronies. The elite is no longer even hiding its belief that Normals have no right to govern ourselves.

    And the Normals feel it. They have the unsettling, nagging feeling that the fabric of society is fraying, that this is all starting to fall apart. And their anxiety manifests not just in whispered questions like “Do you think this is going to end in a civil war?” (Probably not, but the good news is that if the Democrats provoke another one the Normals will win again). It manifests in the culture. Look at the popularity of apocalyptic entertainments like The Walking Dead. Look at the number of TV shows about people prepping for disaster. Heck, look at the sales of my novels about America’s fate if liberals are allowed to rule unchallenged – and the terrible conflict that would lead to.

    Being prepared, which means having the means to physically defend yourself and your rights (that means guns, folks), is the rational choice, the choice compelled by science. It is also your legal duty – and moral duty – as an American citizen.

    Or you can be defenseless. Helpless. A subject instead of a citizen. But science makes clear that chaos is a real possibility. Are you going to be ready, or are you just going to deny science?

    more on site...

    Why Science and Experience Command That You Buy an 'Assault Rifle'
    Dont, Homer Simpson and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    They only like science that supports their agenda, then they call it "settled science" and isn't open to debate, precisely like the global warming mass hysteria
    Oddcaliber, Tully Mars, Dont and 3 others like this.
  3. Tevin

    Tevin Monkey+++

    Liberals are the same people who think trees have feelings, animals have "human rights," gender is defined by your whims and not biology, but an unborn baby is a blob of inanimate goo.
    ochit, oldawg, Alf60 and 6 others like this.
  4. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Liberalism is a religion and like many such, they have made up their minds and they not only do not wish to be confused by the facts that disagree with their biases, it threatens their very moral certainty if the facts do not fit into their agenda's. For the same reason, every one else has to either join the hive or be removed from the society. It may be by killing them, Po; Pet, Mao, Hitler, etc, or it may be by marginalizing them, practiced quite effectively in the South 1880 to 1930's, Hispanics in southwest, Indians on reservations, quota's for Jewish students, etc.
    ochit and Dont like this.
  5. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I think every political side is guilty of the same - ignore what does not support the agenda and fixate on what does.
  6. Borrego

    Borrego Monkey

    Campbell's article is really good! 37% chance of a major event in our lifetimes....Hmmmmmm
  7. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Just look through our history starting at the Revolution and match it up by generation and population scope. We've been pretty lucky the last few, but prior to that pretty much every generation has faced a crisis. 37% is probably too low.
  8. Oddcaliber

    Oddcaliber Monkey+++

    It's obvious the libs,left,democrats have no concept of reality. Other than their utopian unicorn rainbow way of there worped thinking nothing matters to them even if the truth is staring at them. You can't handle the truth!
    ochit and Alf60 like this.
  9. ochit

    ochit Monkey+

    unless everyone is on a rampage over some leftist born issue they are not happy, to me it is estrogen driven anxiety over their feelings I am not sorry to say feelings are to easy to manipulate and motivate people with thin skin. If we are to attempt to satisfy every single individual who has feelings -- well imagine a room full of newborns each is unhappy for numerous reasons but they are all doing the same thing - crying !
    Oddcaliber and Mountainman like this.
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