Wayne LaPierre claims the NRA is "Dumping a Corrupted Regime".

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by wideym, Feb 27, 2021.

  1. wideym

    wideym Monkey+++

    The most recent NRA magazine American Rifleman was in the mailbox today and while I don't particularly care about it, I do flip through it to see if anything catches my eye. After not hearing anything from the NRA about recent NRA actions following their announcement of filing bankruptcy and moving to Texas, I was surprised to find an article on page 12 from Wayne himself.

    "NRA Adopt New Strategic Plan, Announces Blueprint For The Future In Texas" was the title of the article and he went on to say that it was the fault of the New York attorney general, Andrew Cuomo, and others. No mention of any of the accusations brought up about himself or other members of the board or the financial issues that have come to light. The title of the second paragraph really got my attention as I was flipping through the magazine though, "Dumping A Corrupted Regime". My first thought was "Holy crap, he and the rest of the board are going to resign for the good of the NRA." Yet that was just him calling the New York government "A Corrupted Regime" (apparently he is deaf and blind to what a good portion of members are saying about him).

    I had hoped that Wayne and his cronies had finally reflected on their actions and done the honorable thing and at least quietly slunk away. At this point I do not see any reason for the NRA to exist as it has just become a money making racket for those in positions of authority.
    Lone Gunman, GOG, Alf60 and 6 others like this.
  2. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Follow the Money.... and I am very Happy to have dumped the NRA decades ago...
  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I bought a lifetime membership in1996, resigned my membership after Katrina because they were doing nothing to protect our rights in New Orleans. Became a lifetime member of Gun Owners of America. Bought a second life time NRA membership when Obama was elected and still get emails every day wanting me to join or send more money. The NRA is nothing but a money machine. Oh, did I mention that they never sent me the leather jacket I was promised with my second life-time membership?
  4. Altoidfishfins

    Altoidfishfins Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Has GOA or the Second Amendment Foundation effectively brought suit or lobbied congress to stop gun control laws?
    Just asking.
    I agree that NRA lets too much slide for the money they practically demand.
    I'm not defending the NRA. I too joined lifetime in '96. Now I get a bunch of junk mail soliciting money.
    Told the wife I'll send them money when I'm damn good and ready. Tired of the pressure.
    How does one go about resigning a lifetime NRA membership?

    Update..Did a little research and it appears GOA is quite active.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2021
    Alf60 likes this.
  5. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    So what is an alternative to the NRA that has the power and resources to take these gun grabbers to local courts and the Supreme court if needed ?
  6. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    GOA and Gottlieb’s Outfit are about the only ones out there... Both have. won Court cases recently...
    wideym and Altoidfishfins like this.
  7. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    seen several law suites initiated by them both with the NRA jumping in AFTER things got going... so...

    I would think yes is the correct answer...
    wideym and Altoidfishfins like this.
  8. jim2

    jim2 Monkey+++

    Problem with the NRA is they have stabbed us in the back many times over the years. I do not trust them and will not do a single thing for them until they produce immediate and sustained results defending the 2A like a pit bulldog. Otherwise,

  9. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Right now the NRA’s integrity is blowing with the wind... None of the folks I talk to think they are the spokesman for Gun Owners.. they shoot themselves in the foot, so many times in the last decade, they have a real hard time standing at all... and with the Bankruptcy in limbo, their Legal legitimacy is even in question...
    wideym likes this.
  10. Lone Gunman

    Lone Gunman Draw Varmint!

    :) I’ve been an NRA member—both Annual, and Life—for more than half a century. I think it safe to say that I know the NRA very very well; and, sadly, the NRA is NOT the faithful protector of America’s Second Amendment freedoms that so many gun owners think the Association is.

    Sure, every now and then the NRA will champion a popular cause or gun-related, ‘show trial’ like the Grant Kuenzli murder case; but, at the same time the Association will ignore dozens of other more worthy and more necessary gun-related social issues.

    Then there’s the infamous, but apparently long forgotten, nepotism of previous NRA administrations! Over the years there’s been way too much of it at the NRA. Moreover, as for the NRA’s imaginarily powerful Board of Directors? Bullhooey! It’s a myth that the Life Members actually and/or exclusively elect administratively powerful and effective members to the NRA’s general board.

    In real life, and according to its own (carefully guarded) corporate charter THAT doesn’t happen! The real power at the NRA comes from the very well financially remunerated President and a select group of closely held and equally well-paid executives.

    As for the lower echelon MUTUALLY ELECTED board members? Well, when you really get into the nitty-gritty of, ‘How’ the NRA is actually run: The NRA’s general board membership (like so many other media events the NRA administration likes to wow the American public with) is all for show and most of the general board memberships are in reality: sterile, effete, and unpaid, ‘public showoff positions’. If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times:


    Since then the Association has been quietly taken over and subverted from it honest original social and political agendas. To fail to understand this important fact about the NRA is to correspondingly fail to understand the true nature, the cleverness and subterfuge, of America’s, ‘Shadow Government’ and how today’s anti-Second Amendment, ‘New World Order’ actually wages war against all gun-owning Americans!

    Look, really look! The NRA outrageously pissed away tens of millions of donation and membership dollars on: (1) the remote, isolated, and difficult-to-reach Whittington Center, and (2) that enormous, ‘White Elephant’ of a new national headquarters—another big ticket real estate item for which the NRA grossly—grossly—overpaid!

    With regard to the original really bad deal that the NRA got into at, (of all places) ‘Raton, New Mexico’, (There’s a certain irony there!) the smart move, the right move, would have been to use the same large amounts of money to open up smaller, more practical, and much easier-to-reach local shooting centers in all 50 states; BUT, that didn’t happen; and an enormous amount of the NRA’s annual income was (and remains) diverted and syphoned-off to the, ‘New Mexico badlands’; and what is worse?


    Forget the: occasional, ‘show trial’ publicity events, showcased annual meetings, and majority of board directors who actually control next-to-nothing at the NRA and have little or no real influence on the corporation. Forget the occasional, ‘Oh, Wow!’ NRA presidents that the NRA’s real leadership likes to hide behind and hold up for public purview.

    These events, people, and things are all artfully invented and thoroughly make-believe news media images with no more real substance to them than a Hollywood movie. The NRA’s social image is a carefully contrived pretense; and everything about it is all for show—A show intended to present an otherwise thoroughly misleading corporate image to the American public, to both friend and foe alike!

    I’m older than a lot my other fellow NRA members; and, consequently, I am intimately familiar with what went on with the Association during the NRA’s so-called, ‘Cincinnati Revolt’ back in 1977. I know what really happened in Cincinnati; and I, also, remember what happened almost immediately after the, ‘Cincinnati Revolt’ in order to allow a few executive board members to gain absolute corporate power over the Association and, thereafter, positively guarantee that the NRA’s general membership would NEVER AGAIN be able to effectively represent themselves against any straying NRA president and/or his close circle of elite and well-paid cronies who are now ensconced at the very top of the Association,


    After 1978 there would be no more stopping of any NRA president who might ONCE AGAIN wander too far afield, exercise outrageously piss-poor managerial judgement, and/or continue to squander the NRA’s always tight financial funds and limited reserves—Never again!

    Some of you might want to remember that I have warned you about all of this: When it really does come down to your Constitutional Rights and, ‘push really does come to shove’,


    Is this prediction real? Is it relevant? Well, that political snake and make-believe war hero who was once Barack Obama’s Secretary of State very quietly signed the United Nations Treaty aimed at the worldwide banning of firearms from the public domain—Every public domain including America!

    (Have any of you even heard anything about this outrageous breach of your Second Amendment Rights?)

    Apparently, ’The rats have been gnawing the cheese’ while America’s 200 million + gun owners, and 4 million + NRA members have been, as usual, ‘asleep at the wheel’.

    Unless some sort of imminent economic calamity suddenly forces change, (A very real near-future possibility!) then the present absolute silence and complete lack of genuinely effective leadership by the NRA’s covert, ‘shadow management’ is going to continue.

    Today’s NRA runs what, for all practical intents and purposes, is a grossly mismanaged, top-heavy business that—in spite of strong, ‘consumer demand’—is rife with all sorts of ill-defined short-term goals, no longterm goals, self-centered monetary lust, and a largely weak and ineffective social and political presence within one local community after another, all across America!

    If all things continue on as they are now, then: You and I are going to lose our guns; and the NRA’s president and executive board members are, all, going to be able to retire with very nice financial compensation packages. Now, whether you agree, or disagree, you can’t say that I didn’t warn you.

    For whatever good it might do, I have warned you! ;)
    Dark Wolf, BTPost and Oddcaliber like this.
  11. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    Became a life member in 1989, talked to Wayne in the airport in Charlotte for a few minutes in 2002, wanted to cancel my membership after talking to him for 120 seconds, but decided that I would get my $500 back in magazines. They won't see another penny from me ever. LaPierre is a an out-of-touch filthy rich piece of I don't give a real shit scum. But that is just my impression. I've only met 1 other person as arrogant as him in 57 years.
    Dark Wolf likes this.
  12. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Wayne saying they are going dump corrupt people?
    Now thats the pot hurling racial slurs at the kettel.

    I don't think we have met.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2021
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