Visa Goes Anti-Gun: Restricts America’s Largest Gun Store From Processing Transaction

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Quigley_Sharps, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. Quigley_Sharps

    Quigley_Sharps The Badministrator Administrator Founding Member

    The assault on the U.S. Constitution and the Second Amendment continues.

    This time big business is getting into the mix and they’re aiming for gun stores right at the source of their revenues – their transaction processing facilities.

    According to Larry Hyatt, owner of the largest gun brokerage firm in the United States,, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Visa USA and one of the world’s largest credit card processing gateways, has terminated their relationship with the firm.


    The email reads:

    Dear Hyatt Gun Shop Inc,

    Authorize.Net LLC (“Authorize.Net”) has determined that the nature of your business constitutes a violation of Section 2.xiv of the Authorize.Net Acceptable Use Guidelines and Sections 3.3 and 11.3 of the Authorize.Net Service Agreement (the “Agreement”).

    These sections include, but are not limited to, the sale of firearms or any similar product.

    Accordingly, pursuant to Section 4 of the Acceptable Use Guidelines, your ability to access and use the Authorize.Net Services will be terminated on September 30, 2013.

    Orig source:

    Hyatt is confirming it on their website:

    Statement about
    As reported by Grass Roots North Carolina, credit card gateway has indeed refused to continuing doing business with us simply because we sell guns. We urge all of you who shop online to boycott any web site displaying the or Cybersource logo. We have since switched to a gun-friendly provider that offers all of the same security features you'd expect. You can read the full text of the GRNC alert below by clicking this link. GRNC Alert 09-24-13: Authorize.Net “De-Authorizes” Gun Sellers

    Hyatt Gun Shop • Since 1959

    Well, we know Pay Pal is anti gun and now Visa too? MasterCard next? I guess the Post Office will be joining the ban wagon for M.O.'s for firearms related items. I guess that quote I saw on Drudge is pretty accurate this a.m. about Politics reaching civil war levels.
  2. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

  3. natshare

    natshare Monkey+++

    Simple solution. Set up another company (cost is basically just whatever business license and internet domain fees come to), that sells nothing but gift certificates......that just so happen can ONLY be used in your firearm-related business! Customer buys gift certificate, turns around and uses it to buy firearms or related items.

    "I'm not selling firearms, I'm selling gift certificates. This doesn't violate your rules, so turn my shit back on, or talk to my lawyer!"
  4. DarkLight

    DarkLight Live Long and Prosper - On Hiatus

    I need a total of 3 laptop batteries and have been looking to buy online because Batteries+ is freakin' ridiculously expensive. Two different websites lost my business because they use I didn't just NOT buy from them, I told them WHY I wasn't buying from them, how much money they were losing.

    Haven't heard back and I don't really expect to but I refuse to support what I consider bad behavior.
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