Mosby Updates

Discussion in '3 Percent' started by survivalmonkey, Aug 27, 2022.

  1. survivalmonkey

    survivalmonkey Monkey+++

    I don’t spend a lot of time posting over here, because I’m busier than the proverbial one-legged man in the ass-kicking context, building a new Doomstead, back in the western mountains, but I’m trying to remember to at least occasionally link Patreon articles over here.

    If you’ve been missing the old Mountain Guerrilla content, and want to see what we’ve been up to (including multiple weekly videos!), check it out.

    Last Week’s Weaponscraft Wednesday post:

    Ongoing discussion and update of the classic 1913 “Night Movements” manual from the IJA:

    And, the first in a series on fieldcraft as “basic human life skills.”

    Continue reading...
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