tyrants asking for volunteers and...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by OldDude49, Mar 20, 2021.

  1. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    tells how they will proceed... get real interesting about 30 to 40 second mark...

    HK_User and duane like this.
  2. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Interesting in that you can be tared and feathered and found guilty for asking questions at a school board meeting. Like any dominate religion, the priest's in charge will not tolerate any questions about where their authority comes from, and the left now has most of the attributes of a religion. And like many religions over the years, since they have the faith in their doctrine, it is a personal attack on their whole belief system if you ask any questions or refuse to participate in "their" religion. Heretics are by definition wrong and must be punished for even asking questions. and of course for not "believing" and following the official line is a crime that must be punished in some cases by death.
    jim2, HK_User and johnbb like this.
  3. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I think the pale looking twice times failed presidential contender is showing a little white fragility there.....yep, his dander is certainly up...as are a vocal segment of the Loudoun local population :rolleyes:

    It is pleasing that the Loudoun County schools are committed to abiding with Federal and State anti discrimination legislation...https://www.lcps.org/cms/lib/VA0100... NEW AUP FORM-FINAL REVISED-NOVEMBER 2015.pdf

    but wait...

    Were the Loudoun County Schools commitment in its Student Rights and Responsibilities document to non discrimination just eyewash...or aspirational? It seems that since 2015 it hasn't been travelling so well.

    Stack: Racism is alive and well in Loudoun County. It always has been.

    MORE: Loudoun County Public Schools, School Board to apologize for formerly operating segregated schools

    A Racial Slur, a Viral Video, and a Reckoning

    Race relations in Loudoun County seem to be somewhat complicated.....more than the conservative commentariat would have people believe.
  4. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    On the other hand, showing personal fealty, and sniveling loyalty to a tyrant can very well secure a Presidential pardon, regardless of the crimes against society committed and convicted of. :rolleyes:
  5. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Sounds a like like AGW. All a power play. And power = $$$.
  6. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Chellovick, right, left, up, down, somehow in the USA we have lost our civil compass, a long discussion if we ever had it, but we are now polarized beyond any real hope of any real solution. Australia is a little farther down the road, the changes that have occurred since 1938 have created a new society, urban based and as far as I have read, no longer dominated by the settlers from the British isles. At least viewing from afar, you still haven't reached the point now found in New Zealand, but you are working on it. With the neighbors your country has, and their quest for land, resources and military expansion, it would seem that the goal would be different than a left leaning unarmed society, but it is your country and you can do as you wish, or at least as long as it is your country.
    SB21, johnbb and mysterymet like this.
  7. duane

    duane Monkey+++

    Chellovick, I have a different view of your country than most people, Uncle was in merchant marine and tells about hauling supplies into New Guinea in the early part of the war, hiding during the day as the Japanese controlled the area, down to Port Morsby and such, not knowing if we were going to win or not and the general feeling that if they did land on Australia, there was no way to stop them, Mom's cousin was married to a man who fought in New Guinea and never did get over some of the stuff he caught there, malaria and fungus infections to his feet. He told of going out on patrol and being in Japanese controlled areas for weeks, neither side really controlled the area. He said that when he got there sometime in 1942, the Australians were being driven back and had for all real purposes lost, not enough men, not enough supplies, no real air power, etc. We tend to forget that Gudalcanal, the battle of the Coral Sea, the loss of the ships off Gudalcanal etc, were all part of an operation to both prevent the Japanese from isolating or actually invading your country. All the present emphasis seems to be on Wake and the Philippines, and the drive towards the main islands, but the war in the area went on to the end of the war and at least in 1942, no one knew who would win.

    New Guinea campaign (January 1942-September 1945)

    Operation Watchtower: The Battle for Guadalcanal (August 1942-February 1943)

    Another uncle was at Pearl Harbor on the battleship West Virginia and when he got out of the hospital, was assigned to the USS Saratoga aircraft carrier. He served on it until injured in a kamikaze attack and ended up the war at Bremerton Washington. He talked about different battles in the area fairly close to Australia and about in the early part of the war not really expecting to make it out alive.

    World War II: USS Saratoga (CV-3)

    Best discussion I know of Pacific War, which was by fault normally won or lost at sea.

    Pacific War Maps | Nihon Kaigun

    Using this as a base and following the references gives a very precise view of the sea war and in such a way that much of the bias found in American studies toward the Japanese is removed.

    For those of us who read about WW2, the following is a good technical source.

    World War II Database: Your WW2 History Reference Destination
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2021
    jim2, Alf60 and SB21 like this.
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