Tucker with RFK Jr. -- Very important video

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by fl4848, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. fl4848

    fl4848 Monkey+

    This is an EXTREMELY important video from RFK Jr. which explains the TRUE history of WWII, Russia and Ukraine.

    EVERYONE should listen to this video. Americans do not understand why Ukraine is so important to Russia. This is the gateway through which the Nazis invaded Russia in WWII, and they will not stand to leave it unprotected. VERY IMPORTANT video with RFK Jr. and Tucker Carlson.

    You can skip the part about the Secret Service protection in the beginning, and jump to the Ukraine explanation about 18 minutes in.

  2. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yeah, I heard Putin's nonsense about how the security of the State is tied to Ukraine and to that I say this...

    Question: Does Russia have nuclear weapons, to include tactical nukes?
    Answer: Yes. Russia the #1 country in the world for nuclear weapons.

    Question: Is there any doubt that Russia would use nuclear weapons if invaded to protect their nation?
    Answer: Taking into account, comments from Putin and/or his administration, no, there is absolutely no doubt.

    The world has come a long way since 1941 but this crap still plays well with the masses. However, one needs simply to take a step back and ask the question, would anyone attempt to invade another that had nuclear weapons? Hell, if Ukraine had their tactical nukes Russia wouldn't be in Ukraine today! Does anyone in the Western world really think NATO would invade Russia while the Russians are sitting on nukes? Anyway, I think this is nonsense... And, if you think it is not, then NATO damn well better start fortifying the Baltics because they are even a shorter hop, with good terrain, all the way to Moscow.

    What Kennedy did say, that is true, is Russia cannot abide NATO directly on their borders. The same as if the Russians or Chinese moved military bases into Canada or Mexico. Now, Ukraine is not a member of NATO nor can it become a member if it is in a current conflict. The Baltic states are NATO members and given the terrain and distance to Moscow - well - I don't know why Putin isn't raising more hell about them (stay tuned!), more than likely it's because it's a done deal and cannot be reversed so he either goes to war with NATO or accepts it; however, Ukraine is a different story. It's not a done deal and probably won't ever be.

    The problem is these smaller countries, to include Ukraine, were correct to fear Russia as Putin showed with his 'might makes right' Stalin policy. The Baltics were annex by Stalin and if not for NATO you can bet your a$$ Putin would have done the same by now. I do think it is funny that instead of shortening his battlelines in the event of a war, he has extended them with Finland and Sweden being forced to join NATO. Yes, forced because what were they supposed to do, wait for Russia to gobble them up like Ukraine and listen to NATO say, "Sorry, can't help but we can give you some bullets - well - maybe..."

    One of the real reasons Ukraine is important to Russia, and not talked about, is the discovery of 3 huge natural gas fields in Ukraine in 2012 (two of which are in Russian controlled areas now). This would allow the Ukraine, a West friendly country, to compete against Russia in providing Western Europe natural gas needs and, by doing so, not only hit Russia's bottom line but making Russia's use of natural gas as a political weapon, useless. Plus, Ukraine has always been the agriculture heartland for Russia - think Iowa and Nebraska. Ukraine has everything needed to become a great power if they are given a chance.

    IMHO opinion, the invasion was a strategic move by Putin which has backfired bigtime. He had everything to gain, very little to lose, so he went for it but the Ukrainians screwed it up and held out long enough until West assistance arrived. Yeah, a few Eastern provinces did welcome the Russian troops however the rest of Ukraine did not and still do not. Look, you cannot make a people fight that doesn't want to, no f*cking way and it is quite obvious the Ukrainians are still fighting hard. I cannot see them winning; nevertheless, they are still fighting and I would like to think if someone invaded my country, I would do the same.

    All-in-all a very good interview but very one-sided and not totally factual on some points. For example, Hitler armies invaded via three fronts, the Army Group North through the Baltics aimed at Leningrad, not via Ukraine. There is no way the Ukraine casualty numbers he stated can be correct and support for Putin is not 90%, etc., etc... A lot of his stuff is alarmist to get his point across, but that's okay...he also did state some truths: the border, JFK assassination, BRICS, CIA, US Dept of Defense contractors... I mean, let's face it, Biden is NOT helping the Ukraine due to altruism. Somehow, someway, they are making money legally and illegally and when you consider the fact there is very little accountability tied to the Ukraine money... Anyway, I watch from 15 minutes onwards, extremely interesting interview! He's an interesting guy and IMO the best the Democrats have to offer.

    EDIT: Just so we're clear, Hitler's Army Group Center went via Poland into Belorussia and the west-central regions of Russia proper and advanced to Smolensk and then Moscow...not via Ukraine either. Army Group South did strike through Ukraine for Stalingrad. Also, Napoleon didn't go through Ukraine either that I can remember so...RFK said "invaded 3X via Ukraine..." I need to look that up.
    EDIT: Got it! Not invaded via Ukraine 3X, perhaps I misheard or RFK misspoke. Russia has simply been invaded 3X "the Mongols in the 13th century, Napoleon in 1812, and Hitler in 1941."
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2023
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