Trump EO Kills Off FEMA

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Illini Warrior, Mar 19, 2025.

  1. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    Trump chips away at FEMA by empowering states to manage disaster relief

    if you're not following along with the Prez Trump changes & EO signings >>> recent EO is directly prepper oriented >>> could be seeing changes for the good in your locale - states getting $$$$ that FEMA would never authorize ......
    kissmybrass, SB21, Brokor and 3 others like this.
  2. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    Actually FEMA ran the center for domestic preparedness down in anniston AL. They did free training for first responders around the country and is a very worthwhile program. Hopefully they will keep that program as well as the national fire academy open.both of those thing provide valuable training to first responders for free. This is needed because most fire departments in this country are 100% volunteer.
    SB21 and Bandit99 like this.
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Personally, I think this makes a hell'va lot of sense. Give the states the money just target the funds for Emergency Relief so that it can't be spent on other things OR simply have the bills sent to the Feds but the states know better how and what and where the money is needed, far, far better than the Feds. I mean, the Feds are going to teach Florida how to handle hurricanes? Or, the plains states how to handle tornados or etc...they can't even get drinking water to people.
    SB21 and techsar like this.
  4. Tempstar

    Tempstar Monkey+++

    A lot of good programs came from FEMA initially, but like all things government bloat and corruption soon took over. My boss went to Asheville right after Helene and worked with a top notch FEMA guy who picked up his phone and got shit done in a hurry. He got several COWS (Cellular On Wheels) sites pulled in, had the Forestry Service cut a new road to a tower site, and had several water tankers set up along with charging stations for peoples phones in just two days. On the other end of town, there was nothing even though there was supposed to be a FEMA coordinator there. It all boils down to the individual people doing the job, but as a whole they take too long to mobilize and fail to make a significant impact in a timely manner. When you have no home, food, or water, next Thursday just don't cut it.
    SB21 and Bandit99 like this.
  5. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    8 years ago - Trump 1.0 in 2016 started re-organizing FEMA - had to re-fill the warehouses because Obammy purposely left the cupboards bare - and - had that $$$$ and efficiency bug even back then .....

    one thing they had envisioned was the de-centralization from the CO hdquarters - disperse the supplies to the regions where they were usually immediately most needed - there was military base warehousing made available in the SW US and supplies dispersed ....

    then the COVID Con came - supplies were still down - pandemic preparedness lacking - nooooo planning for a nationwide response >>> Trump re-FEMAing ended

    and - FEMA under Biden just became another offensive tool against the conservatives - mission lost - DEI & political hacks .....
    mysterymet likes this.
  6. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    ???? is - was that AL based FEMA service widespread to the point that the entire region got their FED FEMA $$$$$ out of it ????

    or - would each individual state get better service getting their own share of the AL spent $$$$ - set up a ALFEMA - FLFEMA - MSFEMA training site .....

    if another Katrina hits LA and NOLA - will the preparedness be better? - probably not if the state & The Chocolate City is still run by the racist & DEI crap like the last time >>>> the FED can't fix stupid and the perpetually broken ......
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2025
    Zimmy likes this.
  7. Probably not good in Minnesota.
    The .gov here could fuck up a wet dream
    Zimmy, SB21 and Brokor like this.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    I do think that these agencies like the Institute for Peace, the Department of Education, USAID, and even FEMA being dismantled sets a very good example and a precedent that these agencies are no longer untouchable. I even read that the ATF is going to be either placed under the FBI or the FBI will take up its role completely - meaning - no more ATF.

    For me, none of it is happening fast enough, due to these Leftist communist judges. These judges truly need to be the next priority. I think they should be impeached, at least a dozen or so and if that is not enough then keep doing it until they get the message. The taxpayer pays for all these costs associated with these judges. Impeach them now! I don't care how but get it done, throw them out. It should be the #1 priority at this time. Let's face it, we'll never get another chance to finally clean house. This is it, our only chance and these judges are slow rolling the process. They need to go and go now if the Trump administration and American citizens are to see success for, in truth, while many cases of fraud, misconduct, criminal activity, funds mismanagement, etc., has been identified they have blocked most anything getting done, by tying it up in court.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2025
    Tempstar and Ura-Ki like this.
  9. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Fema dropped off a 10 hp Briggs 5500 at paw-in-laws house after Katrina, It's still there and works just fine.
    SB21 likes this.
  10. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    The biggest issue with FEMA is it's management, too many chiefs, not enough indians. A much better idea is to fold it into the National Guard, divide it up into the states, with the states known for natural disasters getting a bigger stake, while the outside states help with storage and logistics in moving supplies into effected areas fast and efficiently! I would also re-vamp the National Guard it's self, especially how it responds to these things, and it's operating authorities, let the Guard make initial decisions on the ground,, get them activated much quicker before POTUS nationalizes them, and by having the supplies already dispersed regionally, a much faster and more efficient response can happen!

    Take everything DeSantis in Florida has done, and make that the model for the national system with a few tweeks as needed, but Put the Nat. Guard in charge, and that also includes the money, the worst thing you could do is put the money in the states hands to manage, states like Oregon would disappear all that money faster then you can say BOO, Not a good idea handing that kind of money to a bunch of crooks who already have it spent on things nobody can explain, or need!
    CraftyMofo, Zimmy, 3M-TA3 and 2 others like this.
  11. Idahoser

    Idahoser Monkey+++ Founding Member

    that's a feature, not a bug. Maybe your folks will stop pretending it's ok to elect fv<kups since they're taken care of anyway.
    gii shi kan dug and Zimmy like this.
  12. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    The FEMA site in AL trains people from across the country. It makes NO SENSE to recreate the site in individual states. It would cost 50 times the amount and worse service for potential students. It is NOT a response center. It is a place where first responders from the entire country go to learn how to respond to certain emergency situations. The equipment alone is very expensive. There are a limited number of people in the country qualified to teach it and some of it is very dangerous. Its hazmat and wmd training for first respnders. There are other CDP sites around the country that train other scenerios.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  13. oil pan 4

    oil pan 4 Monkey+++

    Same for New Mexico. The governors of Maine, new Mexico and Mishitgan are political hack activist lawyers who have zero common sense.
    Zimmy and gii shi kan dug like this.
  14. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    That National Guard idea had a good ring to it. That might help promote a sense of duty as well.
    arleigh and 3M-TA3 like this.
  15. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    there'll be an evaluation - a DOGE look at just how fair & objective FEMA has been in running the program >>> after seeing how bigoted & political FEMA has been conducting themselves in the various disaster zones - it has problems

    seriously doubt the small FDs are getting a square deal - not compared to having a training center in their very own state - within hours of a drive - limited travel - concentration on that state's possible needs .....
  16. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    states could run their stateFEMA in close cooperation - but it would have to stay totally independent >>> wasn't much credible NG that didn't get FED activated during Desert Storm - damn lucky there wasn't domestic SHTFs during their deployment ....

    FEMAs dependence on the military was one of the major problems - plenty of the SHTFs that FEMA should be prepared for and concerned about cross-references with a possible war activation .....
  17. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    A problem in our society is a lack of community pride and little if any public servitude.
    I served 5 years in sheriff's search and rescue as a citizen volunteer. No pay no incentives, just the privilege of working with some really fine people doing something valued to the community.
    A community is comingled individuals interacting for the benefit of the collective of the community. Taxes alone do not meet all the needs.
    It might be a good idea if communities-built groups trained to meet the needs in an emergency beyond the usual first responders. But how do you encourage people normally selfish, to be anything but selfish.
    Cruisin Sloth and mysterymet like this.
  18. johnbb

    johnbb Monkey+++

    Was a member of our volunteer fired dept for years until the county built a fire station with paid fire fighters
  19. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    I am in a small department. We have 25 people. The town has 2700 people. The CDP school is free. They also provide room and board while you are there and pay mileage for travel or a plane ticket. It does not cost the small departments anything. I’ve also been to state schools. For the specialized training you need a central specialized training center. It makes sense. The whole point of these schools are to train small departments in specialized skills.
    CraftyMofo likes this.
  20. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    100%. Seems the gen Z kids don’t want to do anything to actually help society. of course they do like running their mouth virtue signaling.
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