True Friends

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tully Mars, Sep 1, 2020.

  1. Tully Mars

    Tully Mars Metal weldin' monkey

    Run your car off the side of the road
    Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere
    Or get yourself in a bind, lose the shirt off your back
    Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare

    This is where the rubber meets the road
    This is where the cream is gonna rise
    This is what you really didn't know
    This is where the truth don't lie

    You find out who your friends are
    Somebody's gonna drop everything
    Run out and crank up their car
    Hit the gas, get there fast

    Never stop to think, 'What's
    in it for me?'
    Or 'It's way too far'
    They just show on up with their big ol' heart
    You find out who your friends are

    And everybody wants to slap your back, wants to shake your hand
    When you're up on top of that mountain
    But then one of those rocks give way then you slide back down
    Look up and see who's around then

    This ain't where the road comes to an end
    This ain't where the band wagon stops
    This is just one of those times when
    A lotta folks jump off You find out who your friends are
    Somebody's gonna drop everything
    Run out and crank up their car
    Hit the gas, get there fast

    Never stop to think, 'What's in it for me?'
    Or 'It's way too far'
    They just show on up with that big ol' heart
    You find out who your friends are

    When the water's high
    When the weather's not so fair
    When the well runs dry
    Who's gonna be there?

    You find out who your friends are
    Somebody's gonna drop everything
    Run out and crank up their car
    Hit the gas, get there fast

    Never stop to think, 'What's in it for me?'
    Or 'It's way too far'
    They just show on up with their big ol' heart
    You find out who your friends are, yeah yeah
    You find out who your friends are

    Run your car off the side of the road
    Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere, man I been there
    Or get yourself in a bind, lose the shirt off your back
    Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare, man I been there
    Man I been there

    The above lyrics hit home tonight.
    Got a buddy of mine that I don't talk to as much as I should. Sometimes life just gets in the way. He called Sass today and asked what's goin' on and she mentioned that I've been tied up with doctor appointments as of late and so on. Got a text from him saying "call me tonight". Just got off the phone with him. He found out what's going on with me and he and his wife got on the phone to reassure me that everything will be ok and whatever they could do they would.

    I just thought that was cool and was compelled to post about how rare that is today.
    Now it ain't no big deal, I'm just going in for another scan to determine what the nero guy is gonna do to fix my neck and lower spine. But for my friend and his wife to take time out of their life to call and explain what to expect was kinda nice and not often found in this day and age.
    Personally I think they're worried they won't get their Uzi finished on time like I promised..;)
    Ganado, john316, techsar and 8 others like this.
  2. sec_monkey

    sec_monkey SM Security Administrator

    [biggrouphug] [biggrouphug]
    john316, duane, Ura-Ki and 1 other person like this.
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    For you Tully and Sass! One of my most favorites of all time!
    Lets see who can guess this one!

    My faithful companion
    I've lost my way once again
    A prisoner of darkness
    I let you down my friend

    A heart left abandoned takes so long to heal its wounds
    Your touch not forgotten
    The end of the dream
    It comes too soon
    In this lonely room
    Till I leave this world
    Always know that

    I will surrender my heart to the sky
    Oh our love doesn't end here
    It lives forever on the wings of time

    The road that I travel
    Don't know which way I should turn
    Till I find the answer
    Know that the fire within me will always burn

    Angel of mercy, please
    Why so much pain?
    I cry for forgiveness
    I'm the destitute man
    Who still remains
    It's so hard to explain
    Till I leave this world
    Always know that

    I will surrender my heart to the sky
    Oh our love doesn't end here
    It lives forever on the wings of time

    Sometimes I feel just like crying
    I can't turn my back
    All these years I've been trying
    A vision of you keeps reappearing to me
    You can't blame yourself
    Just reach out your hand and believe

    We sail in dark waters
    Lord give me some peace of mind
    Temptation before me
    Ahead lies the tower of truth that I must find
    To you I will climb
    Till I leave this cruel world far behind
    Always know that

    I will surrender my heart to the sky
    Oh our love doesn't end here
    It lives forever on the wings of time
    Tully Mars, Ganado, john316 and 5 others like this.
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